Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Long Strange Trip is Beginning..

Wednesday’s meeting had some news. We reviewed the board goals and had a presentation. The goals session was fairly uneventful. But the presentation had a few surprises.

It was regarding the new grade point average to be implemented this coming school year and the steps our district is taking to ensure our athletes and extra curricular students that fall below the GPA requirement receive intervention. I’m OK with that. I had some concerns that we were focusing on “participators”. By participator I mean the kids that participate in something, anything, which requires a GPA standard. By focusing on these kids I felt we were ignoring a larger part of our student population that does not participate. I was assured that this is just one of 13 legs of what will be our new intervention program. I have two problems with it.

One is that it requires hiring a new employee. No salary was suggested and a cost benefit analysis was not provided. The presenters indicated that there was an analysis done, so I look forward to reviewing it when it is provided. The second problem I have with the approach is that invention will take place before school. Now I’m no teenager but I do know one thing about being one. Getting up early sucks.

The reason for before school intervention was this- These kids have practice and games, and other activities that start right after school. In order to participate they will have to come to before school intervention. OK. So you have a carrot for this small population of our schools. What about the rest of the kids, the non-participators- that need intervention? Yes a small percentage will come if threatened by parents and teachers. But a large portion will not because they lack the parenting and discipline that is required to better ourselves. In school intervention is the common sense approach. Require that an intervention class replace an elective if your GPA is below a certain standard.

I’ll be honest, I’m tired of tax money being spent on sports and extra curricular, while the gifted programs in our district and, more importantly the gifted and talented children, are offered very little in terms of their special needs. The current proposal for intervention smells like an Activities Office program to me. Oh yeah, the new Intervention Specialist will be under the command of our Athletic Director. This should be about raising grades and bettering yourself, not ensuring eligibility. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against the intervention, just the approach offered.

Final tidbit- we gave the superintendent his evaluation. If you want some funny reading, I suggest you request it. Here are some excerpts, as usual I have comments to the comments and they are in red:

“Does not seem to have a feel for the community in general, since he does not live here. Still has problems with relations with city officials”
Is this a performance evaluation or a residence evaluation? I understand the want for a super to live here but should he evaluated for it? Make it a goal and a policy change, then an issue on the evaluation.

“Move into community (CF school district) to show full belief in district”
What about his wife showing support for the district she works in? It doesn’t count?

“Don’t try to play god to the role of a supreme dictator”
Shame, shame, you can’t play God in a public school system. Do you want the ACLU to come knocking? And am I the only person that knows God should be capitalized?

“The superintendent should be aware of all deadlines”
OMG! I can’t even keep track of the deadlines at my kids’ school let alone every deadline set by the efficient government. Tasks with their deadlines are and should be delegated.

“Manages by fear, threat of the unknown, low staff moral”
Morale, moral what’s the difference? And how do manage by threat of the unknown if it’s unknown? I have to say, when I complained about our CEO two years ago, every staff member I talked to defended him, his character, his leadership skills, his decision making processes, in fact he was almost God-like. Hmmm…I’m starting to see a connection here. Anyway they convinced me that even though I didn't like some decisions he had made, his intentions were, and would always be what's best for CF school district.

“Show a more caring attitude”
I’m embarrassed to even have to comment on this. Our CEO is not a mother. I don’t want caring, loving, pushover CEO. I want no nonsense, tows the line, gets the job done CEO.


taxpayer said...

All sounds about par for the course with this BOE. Who comes up with these proposals/plans? I do not like the idea of adding another staff member nor the fact that he/she will report to the athletic director. That is just wrong but as usual, it does matter what the taxpayers think or want.

suspicious_mind said...

I think if we limit our choices for employees to those who only live in the district, we may lose out on far superior candidates. A superintendent who doesn't live here also assures that we will have a leader who is putting the needs of all children (as opposed to THEIR children) first.

just_wondering said...

I'm thinking that the students should be proficient in subject matter long before they reach high school and it becomes a problem. The interventions should be done in the elementary schools. How can high school kids understand the content if they never got past the foundation work? Additionally, what if the kids show up for their early intervention and do what is asked of them, and still can't get it? Are there exceptions for those who put fourth the effort but still don't meet the gpa? Will there be exceptions for those who don't bother to show up - but are the team dynamo and it is the "big game"? Or how about the kid who is he son of a suit? Or the son of a friend who is on the board? Or the boyfriend of the daughter of a big whig's neighbor?

taxpayer said...

Yep, you got it! Why do you think the new "intervention specialist" is to report to the athletic director???

Unknown said...

Really,,,if a student cannot kept a GPA above 2.50, then they need to spend MORE time than before school studying, and less time on extracurriculars. They can't pull A's in gym or music(things they are good at!!) to help pull grades up to have at least a B- average. I have 2 kids with special needs in this district, and have found so much help available to them in the schools themselves. Are there really that many parents in this district that don't help their kids or find help for them?
Some elementary schools are giving students tutoring in the morning before school for the achievement tests. Way to start them early!!!