Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Friendly Game of Dodge Board

Hmmmm…Wednesday held several surprises. The first was the intervention presentation. What started out two months ago as an additional position has now been word smithed into “additional staff”. I find that statement activating my spidey senses.

I again asked our board president if we taxpayers were spending money to send her to an educational workshop only to have her move from the district in a few months. I prefaced this by stating that I support continuing education for all.

Even Madam Kellie couldn’t have predicted what happened next. First the superintendent jumped in and gave a brief overview of the workshop pointing out that other district staff, including himself, were attending the workshop. I was assured that plenty of people would be in the know even if one was leaving. He also added that the board president initiated this endeavor so it was fitting that she attends.

I’d agree with all of this if she’s not moving. But if she is she should step aside and allow someone who will continue to have a stake in our community go. But, back to the meeting…

The next statements came from board members. Here’s a sampling:

“I heard a rumor that you were moving” directed to me. Sorry, you heard wrong. No one wants a house in my neighborhood because we don’t have a quaint neighborhood school. And I didn’t hear a rumor. I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth. As did many others.

“Let’s take a look at who has spent what on workshops. Dunphy $30, Rump $719, Grimes $30, Gunter $48, Patterson $1258.” The figure with my name drew gasps from the audience! Three corrections. Rump has actually spent $582, Gunter $30, and Patterson $249. What you say? Why the discrepancy? The balances are encumbrances. You see I have registered for future workshops. I have a busy schedule and many obligations so I try to schedule early. So gasp if you must but $1258 is for 6 months of work shops. And I refuse to be ashamed of it. I can’t control what OSBA charges for their sessions. The board sets aside $15,000 for training, publications, workshops, etc. We all came into this with no experience and it shows. So why should I feel guilty for educating myself in the ever changing world of education? Especially since that’s what the board service fund is for.

Another member said “It doesn’t matter if she’s moving. Right now she is a full member of this board and should be treated that way”. I agree. I didn’t suggest we put her in a separate room until she moves. I suggested that if she’s moving she step aside in attending the parent university and let a representative from the CF PTA council go in her stead. I know. Silly idea.

The board president then moved on to the next order of business. So I guess only time will tell if we’ve spent $1000 on information flying south this summer. It’s a question that is being avoided but can’t be denied. I’m not saying that her circumstances haven’t changed, but I know what I and a few respected people in the community were told 8 months ago. Come on Pres, do the right thing, if you’re leaving let a long term Tiger go.


Russ said...

Kellie, the gasp you heard on more than one occasion was probably from an individual who attends most meetings and does not like you. Everytime you are run over by the rest of the board she gets very happy and sometimes even claps. The board acted like little children at the meeting. Mr. G's comment about you moving after you said about Mrs. Gu. moving was really something that you hear on the playground when one child says that their dad is bigger than your dad. It is amazing that even a reporter agreed with my assessement of the conduct of the board. When you try to interject a comment while someone is speaking you are told to be quiet, but they seem to be able to interrupt you at anytime. Like I said at the meeting, my grandchildren act better than this group. Of course Mr. R pointed out who is the trouble maker. As an aside to Mr. R., I still don't think a former employee of the schools should be able to serve on a board of education until at least a year after resigning from their post. I sometimes wonder how our new business manager feels about some of the comments made during a meeting.
Your worries about the bus garage are real, but the purchase of this extra land was mentioned at the first hearing about this purchase and was included in many discussions afterwards. These lots, though probably not worth what they are being paid, will make it easier for the bus drivers to get busses in and out.

get_real said...

Former employees whose contracts were not renewed due to poor performance and were forced to retire to save face and now have an ax to grind especially shouldn't be allowed to be on the board. It all boils down to one more troublemaker with an agenda running the school district.

??? said...

New staff as in more than one? Didn't I read something about a proposal where parents would have to volunteer x hours in their child's school? Maybe failing students could get the parents involved? I think parental concern/involvement is putting their money where their mouth is. If a parent wants a successful student, they need to step up to the needs of their struggling child. If we enforce play to pay fees, why not enforce parental tutoring to play contracts. I'm thinking senior year football season is to late in the academic world to start worrying about gpa.. Nip it in elementary school! Give these young kids incentives to get good grades in primary school. Start good study habits early. Diagnos problems early. Get help early. High school is to late to start worrying about poor students.

??? said...

How come early release on the last day of school is being done away with?

Kellie Patterson said...

I guess the early release is no longer needed. Hopefully the powers that be will rethink this one! After all, tradition is very important here and I don't want to get toilet paper out of my trees.

Sandra said...

I would think if you have spent and will spend sooo much money on workshops, that you would LEARN from them!!!
As far as the bus garage goes, Cuy Falls is far behind everyone else, what is wrong with them coming into the here and now and the future?