Tuesday, August 05, 2008

When in Rome

I had an interesting conversation this week. It was regarding my language. Not English, but slang. Or how about street talk vs. office. We all do it. There are things we say at home with friends that we wouldn’t say to our boss. But…

What about profanity? If I use “bad” words, does that make me less of a board member? Have I somehow worked less or researched less or went to fewer meetings as a result of my bad words? I don’t think so. Personally, I find bad grammar and poor spelling much more offensive than profanity.

Anyone that knows me knows I have uttered a cuss word or two. But I have a general rule of thumb. I don’t do it ‘til you do. So if you use profanity in my company, I will most likely return the favor. I know when and where profanity is not acceptable.

Now back to who we should not cuss in front of. The number one people are your own parents and grandparents. Even if they themselves cuss like truckers, you never cuss in front of them. Number two on the list is your boss and/or clients. Number three would be clergy. Number four would be anyone in an official capacity- like law enforcement, the President, etc. Number five is small children. I’m sure you have a few of your own, but that is my list.

The rest is open game. To some I have vices, to others I am human. But despite what anyone thinks, I know what my standards are as a board member. And please don’t throw the ethics argument at me. Ethics are not something that is written in stone. Ethics are a personal set of morals and standards held by an individual. Ethics in the legal sense generally involve breaking the law, not profanity.

I want the best for all children. But just like in my own home, there are limited resources. When money is thin, you make do with what you have. I also know that there are equity problems that need addressed, but continue to be ignored. The academic issues will not go away until equity is addressed. And raising academics is what it’s all about isn’t it? I didn’t run for office and make the promise that I would clean up my language.


suspicious_mind said...

I don't understand. Are you dropping F-bombs in the middle of board meetings? Are you profanely discussing the other board members or district employees at public gatherings? It sounds to me like someone is making as issue of the language that you use in private conversations and with people who've already cut loose in front of you.
Your private conversations have no bearing on your performance as a board member. And because they should be private, they aren't anyone's business. And if someone who has cussed in your presence in the past has suddenly turned all pious, they should remember that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Being a flaming hypocrite usually will come back to bite you in the ass.
Seems to me like more smoke and mirrors to divert the attention away from what a joke this board has become and make Kellie look bad. Those holier than thou idiots should remember that they were elected to serve our children and protect the taxpayers not spend their time grasping at any straw they think might make you look bad.

rl said...

Ta-da! I finally made it, ma'am.

Now, please don't confuse ethics with some pious carriage; the two don't necessarily go hand-in-hand.

Hm...I wonder why my Webster's definition for "a malicious, bad-tempered or aggressive woman"(the "b" word) is merely "slang" while it's definition for "a person, esp. a man, regarded as contemptable, obnoxious, etc."(the "p" word) is noted as vulgar slang? Doesn't sound very "equal" to me given todays p-c standards.

Speaking of limited resources, is this the venue to begin a discussion, from macro toward micro concerning school finances? Do we even care what lessons might be learned from the original formations of farmers' co-ops or credit unions? I wonder if there's anything to learn from how the Amish take care of themselves? Anyone out there for Universal Health Care?

Unknown said...

Did they talk to the board president about yelling obscenities at candidates night?

There were many people that heard that.

rl said...

Well, Eric, I find the only thing more onerous than some folks' suggestion, "do as I say, not as I do", is that a Board vote must somehow be "unanimous"!

If the "board president" was yelling any obscenities in public within earshot of any witnesses, why wasn't same slug charged with either disorderly conduct or verbal assult? I always wanted to participate in a citizen's arrest, don't ya know!

rl said...

Hm...how's about the proposition that if our society was the beneficiary of "universal, single payer health care" and that same program would only have to administratively track whether one was a citizen or legal immigrant eligible for such coverage and our individual health care history...would we be able to save money over our curent health insurance and governmental programs?

The provision of a universal health care program with it's associated administrative requirements would eliminate the need for same as regards Medicaid, Medicare, the Veterans' Adminisration, Federal/State/County/Judicial/City/Village/Township/SCHOOL DISTRICT/private sector employees and all bankruptcy proceedings as a result of unpaid health care bills!

No massive union efforts in a limited section of our economy distorting the negotiating picture...especially as such union membership is such a small percentage of our total population! All citzens, especially those who currently have no health insurance coverage, would be able to contribute to directing the nature of such universal care through their votes as citzens and financial contributions based on a sliding income scale(?).

From each according to their ability...to each according to their needs??? Hm...doesn't quite work when Americans are dying in Iraq so's some dork can drive solo in a gas-hog SUV but...dam...am I some kind of commie or what?

I'm so confused.