Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Same Threat, Different Day

I don’t know where to begin on the “Curtailment Plan”. I know a lot of time and effort went into it. The funny thing is it is terribly reminiscent of “Project Recovery” of 4 years ago. In fact, if the district had followed through on “Project Recovery” we may not be in the situation we’re in today. But…

The plan was presented as a tactical levy move. Just as this one is. They might as well call it the “This is How We’re Gonna Stick it to You if You Don’t Pass a Levy Plan.” There is a little bit in it for everyone.

First I’d like you to remember that this board has publicly said that academics are of the utmost importance to it. Yet the cuts are deepest in this area. Eliminate gifted programming in elementary and middle schools, and advanced placement in the high school, eliminate industrial arts programs, reduce textbook purchases, eliminate field trips, auto technology, and one foreign language.

Are sports your thing? Well. We will raise the pay to play fee. This was unaffordable in 2005 but I guess with today’s improved economic conditions this is a viable option. Perhaps go to varsity sports only.

Think that jobs are valuable? We will RIF (read: lay off) some of the positions that we rehired from RIFing them 4 years ago.

After school activities? We will start closing buildings after school like we did 4 years ago until we abandoned that idea too.

Lower the GPA requirement to participate.!!!??? What a novel idea! Too bad somebody didn’t suggest that we not raise it to begin with because of the costs involved.

Eliminate district cell phones. This one makes me laugh. First of all, it can’t be done. Once again stepping backward. Just because we have a costly plan now, doesn’t mean we don’t need cell phones. And really? What is the savings on this one? How about eliminate half of the desk phones that no one answers anyway? Example- does every custodian and janitor need a land line? Walkie talkies and cell phones for key employees are necessary. Do you want Joe Wrestler traveling to Columbus on a bus with no cell? Granted, all the kids will have one despite the rules, but still…

Eliminate overtime except for emergencies, weekend building checks, and athletics. Ummm…. This one leaves me speechless. Where are our priorities?

My favorite- Pursue additional revenue by installing gas-oil wells on Bolich/Newberry property for natural gas for two buildings and royalties. I’ll let you decide who suggested this one. I thought those people were smarter than that. They must have locked in at $15 per MCF.

I must say a little something about this weeks Falls News Press. Particularly this letter to the editor. It seems the author forgot that he actually lives in Silver Lake. Geez, they might spend less on our education over here, but I can read a phone book. Apparently he knows better than the Falls News on the subject of what should or should not be in their paper. I guess he thinks falsehoods should be in the paper and facts on where our money is spent shouldn’t be.

I implore you to check out the “Curtailment Plan” as well as my proposal. There are many reasons we need to rethink how we spend our tax dollars. I wont settle for academic blackmail when I know we have the ability keep and enhance academics and programming while operating an efficient district.

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