Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I can see clearly now the rain is gone

I’m tired of hearing the argument that certain people and/or areas of our district pay more to our schools than others. First renters do pay property taxes through their rent. I do not know of one landlord that is willing to eat the cost of a tax increase. Second, we all pay the same millage to the district. The City of CF and the Village people pay equal millage. The value of a home does not increase the millage you pay. And lastly, the Village people do not disproportionately fund our schools. In February of ’06 our school district collected $11.6 million from the property owners of Cuyahoga Falls and almost $1.3 million from Silver Lake Village. Looks like CF pays their fair share to me. So please stop telling me the Village people deserve more because they pay more. They don’t and they don’t.
I have been asked to explain why I voted for the resolution to release our district from fiscal watch. I’ll do my best to explain. I cannot argue with the fact that our CFO stated that the state auditors asked her when we would be asking for a release. Do you really think people will want to move their families to a city whose school district is in fiscal watch? My number one priority has always been to do what is best for my family and my community. I don’t think using my other tax money (state auditors) is best for us when they want us to ask for release. Although I would like a watchdog, I’m not sure state auditors should be it. I’d rather see something along the lines of the KIDS committee formed- An independent group of people not beholden to, nor appointed by the school administration. A group on the outside looking in. My goal is to keep us in the black through union negotiations and serious, real cuts. The PFE I’m sure has some good solid academic ideas. But most of it is a spending spree that we cannot afford. There are two ways to meet rising fuel, heating, insurance, and aging building maintenance costs. Levy or cuts. You pick which one is best for you.
Lastly I would like to comment on the OURSS group and the debate that is taking place on a previous blog. For those of you unfamiliar, OURSS- outreach understanding respecting student sexuality-
is a student led support group with a male school psychologist as well as a female teacher volunteering as teacher advisors. It is my understanding that this group is for any student dealing with sexual identity issues. Straight or gay. I would like to see respect and understanding from both sides. The bottom line is this- regardless of your personal views, the law is the law. Ask any attorney and he’ll be glad to bill you- I mean tell you that there are about 55,000 laws protecting the rights of ANY group to meet in a public building, discuss any issue they want, promote any cause. Hence the expression "It’s a free country". I am not willing, and I feel safe in saying our district is not willing to put up taxpayer money and without a doubt fight the ACLU in a lawsuit that would surely ensue should someone actually decide to "ban" this group. I will not defend nor promote this group in any way. I think both sides need to show a little respect to the other.
The comments made here should be on blog topics. Hijacking will be deleted from here forward. There is a forum at for ongoing debate and discussion on various issues not currently being discussed on this blog. The man who started this ingenious web site would be tickled if you make it worth his time and money I’m sure. I will not tolerate hateful diatribes, profane language, or inappropriate slurs in the comments section.

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