Friday, June 30, 2006

I'm a loser babyeeee, so why don't ya kill me?

I need a line on cheap hair dye. This board is going to turn me gray prematurely. A simple request to add New/Old board business to our regular agenda turned into a power play by the triumvirate. It is the pettiest move yet. I’m still not sure how my original request will be worded as it had to be clarified 3 or 4 times because the motion to amend old/new board business was too confusing to follow. I’ve requested a tape of the meeting so I can clarify this issue. It’s something along the lines of "new/old board discussion only business." I don’t understand the fear of the board actually being able to action on board items, but the triumvirate has spoken.
The bus garage renovations have also been approved. Even though the bid is $33,000 over the promised price. And it seems as if our "new" bus garage needs completely refurbished. Apparently there is not even a doorknob that we can use. EVERYTHING in this "new" building needs replaced according to the specs I received. I don’t know about you but any contractor I have ever dealt with has never come in at or under estimated costs. It looks like our half million dollar building will need a quarter million dollars of renovations. The busses don’t fit in the building as it is, so we must add garage doors, lower floors, adjust ceilings, buy all new toilets, sinks, urinals (ew guys are these really necessary?), all the office doors need replaced (? I guess because of all the confidential information being conveyed?), we are even removing a ramp to add a ramp in the same place. Needless to say it was a 3-2 vote. Myself and Mrs. Gunter in the minority. Seems like we could have waited a year and built a brand new building. One that the busses could actually fit in. Man I wish somebody would have asked the board to hold off and look at other options.
The gas and oil wells were near the end. Just a little discussion I requested and to set a date for a public forum. It will be at Bolich Middle School August 9th at 7PM. Much to my surprise there was no opposition to this. I hope to see you there. Not just for your input on the wells being drilled, but also your feelings on the CF Foundation receiving the proceeds.
Lastly we once again went into executive session for the wrong reasons. I asked what it was for before hand and was told "I don’t know". I had to immediately call it to a halt when I was told it was to discuss board goals. Why would we discuss board goals in executive session? Are there goals that the public shouldn’t know? So the topic was then switched to contracts. A document was handed out during this discussion that a member of the public requested from me afterward. Actually the person requested all documents from the session that are public but there was only one. I will verify tomorrow that it is public record and I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about it if it is.

2 comments: said...

Please allow me to continue explaining how the 'navigation' of an aircraft works. It is a useful example of how an organization must work to enable people to reach their goals.

We are sitting on the tarmac of our airport in Cuyahoga Falls. We are in our jumbo jet. We have decided to go to Hawaii to get a break from our BOE meetings. Everyone was informed that we are going to Hawaii -- as we got into the aircraft. And, clearly we are now involved -- as we buckle our seat belts.

Our pilot starts talking on the intercom. He again states our destination (goal), explains our environment (weather), and tells us what to expect during our flight.

Our pilot also gives us a timetable and explains what we can expect from the cabin crew. Then, a member of the cabin crew tells us how to use the safety equipment.

We continue to be informed and involved. We have begun to trust our pilot because he gives us timely information. He has a flight plan. And, we have a reasonable hope that our pilot will follow the flight plan. Those of us who 'feel first' are likely to feel more comfortable. Those of us who 'think first' are likely to think we must follow the flight plan.

More later.

Lou Schott said...

To: Mike B,
Thank you for your feedback. I welcome constructive positive and negative feedback.

And, I understand your assignment of people. Please let me fill out the rest of the assignments. I see our BOE members as members of our cabin crew. And, as you already see our pilot is our school CEO, our co-pilot is our school CFO.

I think, in this case, our passengers are more likely the people who attend our BOE meetings and post on Blogs. I see the ground maintenance crew as the other leaders in our community.

And, we have the control tower who are equivalent to the laws that govern our actions. We could continue with more assignments, but for now -- this should be enough.

My hope and reasons for using the 'navigational model' is to help people see concepts and then apply the concepts to details -- as you have started to do.

More ... Later.

Lou Schott