Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Power of the People

This is gonna be short. The sound of my typing is hurting my head. Too much celebrating last night. I've been asked many times why I continue to beat my head against a brick wall. Why do I continue to torture myself at board meetings by asking questions, making points , just to be voted against by the board majority? Last night was why. Because I have faith that the people can make a difference.

Many people walked up and thanked me last night. Really I did not deserve this. Many people were responsible for the success last night. Molly Benedum and her relentless researching skills, mikeb with his ominous threats of ethics violations, Chip with his knowledge from working in the field, Mary Nicols-Rhodes who used her own time and money to distribute fliers and inform people, Lou Schott for constantly making us think about working together in an orderly fashion, but most importantly to all the regular citizens who showed up to voice their opposition to this endeavor. I also owe a thank you to my mom and dad for raising me to believe that the government belongs to us, the people. Oh and I almost forgot- a big thank you to our CEO for doing the right thing.

I owe all of you a thank you for doing what I knew you would all along. People here care about our city, our neighborhoods, our kids. Congratulations to the Newberry/Bolich neighborhood for a "well" deserved victory. Please pardon the pun.

1 comment:

Molly Benedum said...

Kellie and Barb Gunter also deserve kudos for pushing so hard to bring this issue into the light and for suggesting the public forum.

Sometimes a minority really can make a difference!!