Monday, February 19, 2007

Who? Me? Micromanage?

I didn’t get my Falls News this week so I don’t know if there was anything needing a rebuttal but there were some great articles in the Plain Dealer last week. Teacher salaries was a good one. One thing I have always said is that teachers make plenty of money. A study by the Manhattan Institute for Public Research says the same thing. And please don’t post that I don’t understand the amount of extra work and things that teachers must do at home. We all take work home. Of course the Ohio Education Association doesn’t agree with this report. Surprise, surprise. Teachers Vs. Unions touches on this issue of the NEA and local teacher unions is trying to do something about the teacher pay myth. Their main complaint is that teacher unions are not using teachers union dues wisely. No one has a problem paying an excellent teacher fair pay. It’s the crappy teachers with tenure that we are tired of supporting with tax dollars. It’s contracts slanted to benefit union officers with not one mention of student achievement that we are tired of funding. It the system of no accountability while the rest of us must prove ourselves to keep our jobs that we want to see change. But unions wont touch these issues with a ten foot pole. I was told to not even think about making student achievement with a merit pay system part of the new teachers contract. The strange thing is that good teachers do not seem to be afraid of an accountability system. But unions are. The same people who tell you that all children can learn are the same people who refuse to make it a contract issue.

Another great article was on the many superintendent job openings in the area. The part that struck me was the amount of money spent on superintendent searches. This is another area of extreme school district waste. Consultants, associations, contractors, etc. One of the great fears of the board majority during out CEO’s contract renewal scare was the cost of a superintendent search. It never even crossed their minds to look from with-in like Kent did. Duh! Besides, whatever happened to classified as in major newspapers, not to mention that new fangled internet thingy with places like It’s like every small claim must be made into a federal case. Another thing the article points out is that most local openings have had 10 or more applicants. Of course these are highly sought after jobs. It’s one of the few jobs you can hold and dole out favors and tax money and not be held accountable to the voters. One thing I have noticed since being involved in this school board business is this- generally a school employee is part of a school family. And I don’t mean that in the sense of “work” family. I mean if you are a school employee, chances are your wife, husband, brother, cousin, son-in-law, and spouses best friend are also school employees somewhere in some capacity.

I got a memo in my Friday board packet that suggests we try using the Ohio School Board Associations “consultant” for board relations to fill us in on what our roles are as board members. Along with this was a suggestion to read an article in the months issue of their magazine entitled “Is micro-management stalling your board?” Ironically this was the first article I read when I received my issue. Here’s the problem. The OSBA is staffed by former school administrators, not board members. We all know by now that administrators expect a board to approve their recommendations. Period. No ifs ands or buts. Recently across Ohio school board positions are being filled with concerned tax payers. Not the traditional levy cheerleaders. This has become a concern to the people spending your tax money. Yes OSBA is spending your tax money. We pay dues to belong. Here’s the part that kills me. We pay dues and get a magazine and various new letters. But the first thing you get from them is a list of consultants we can pay to use and a list of courses we can take for a fee. Now I get to the funny part of all this. I pushed for FREE federal mediators to come in and try to smooth this board rift we have and I quote our board president on this one “We need to learn how to get along on our own”. Now it seems someone wants to pay a buddy to try to help us understand our roles. I took the role course from OSBA. It basically goes like this: You pay a superintendent a lot of money to run your district. Let him do his job and do not interfere. If you interfere you are being unprofessional and difficult. What you promised the voter does not matter now. Do not question the super. Just realize that he knows best and blame the screwed up state funding for all the problems you face. Pay us $3000 - $8000 and we will send you your own tax spending personal trainer for more details. We’ll throw in a free Power Point presentation with every $5000 you spend. (Read this part really, really fast) Meals, mileage, and lodging not included in consulting fee but are expected to be paid in full. High end lodging only and valet parking must be included. Spa and pool desired but not required.

So let’s answer the question: Is micro-management stalling your board? Was I elected to be guided by the administration or the other way around? Is making suggestions to the administration on how I am told taxpayers want their money spent micro managing?

One last quickie. Make sure you check out the Plain Dealers' Regina Brett article on “The Homework Myth”. The book should be required reading for all teachers, parents, administrators and testing companies.


fallsbigdaddy said...

If someone would have done a little
"micromanagement" in the past we would not had to close schools and been under fical watch. Someone better pass me glass of Holland Kool-Aid, it's going to be a long year.

fallsbigdaddy said...

Board of "Ed", I think I get it! said...

Dear Kellie,

You have an assertive right to act in the following manner. Please see:

If someone accuses you of ‘micro managing’ then ask them to clarify what they mean.

Ask them for examples. Do it in a public manner. Get them to do it in an email and post their response.

Warn them that comments related to your actions will be posted for the public to evaluate.

Passive-aggressive people will try to isolate you -- to control you.

In contrast, leaders (with expertise) help people articulate all of their possible options. And, then they help them make an informed choice.

Leaders (with expertise) detail all of the possible options in a better manner than those who favor their ‘own pet solutions’.

Leaders (with expertise) compare the options on their websites and blogs -- using tables with comments.

Leaders (with expertise) say things like, “I hear you saying …, Is this an accurate summary, … , What do you want other people to do for you?”

I hope this is helpful to you, our school and our community.
Lou Schott

local mom said...

This all sounds like a school yard conversation. "I didn't do it, he did." Well I didn't say that she did.
Why would anyone think that by not renewing a school levy and the district loosing over 3 million dollars would teach administration including the school board anything. All it would do is HURT our children. Do we want to be on fiscal watch, or worse state take over???? With a state take over there would be no board or ceo just the state, who doesn't care what anyone says. They just do... And you think this would be better? Be careful what you wish for it may just come true, and you will have no one to blame but yourself for what happens. The state will close schools, and cut jobs and cut sports and whatever they feel uses money and they don't stop until the budget is where it needs to be.
When all of these problems started Ed Holland was not the ceo, maybe we should be adressing our problems to former administrations,and the state officials and the president who wants no child left behind, but does not provide the money to support this, and the state officals who think that they do not need to help fund the schools. Put the blame where blame is due. He inherited these problems.
Maybe if less time was spent being judgemental and more time spent working towand a common goal, we could help our children and not act like them.
I'm not saying that it is a perfect situtation, but its not the worse.
As for the teachers. How about comparing our teachers saleries to other local districts and print the results on the blog. And lets not let anyone have raises for the years to come....including EYERYO
NE in the district not just the teachers....interesting concept???
Lets quit the he did she said, and work toward a solution.
We have the open enrollment its there, so why go on and on about it, what we can't change now, right now, lets work on something right now. Lets open the doors of the school board and get rid of private sessions and lets see the people on the blog show up at every board meeting to see what is going on. How many of you actually go to the board meetings to state your case??
As far as old text books and thing like in the day, how about we go to the days when they had slates and one room school houses, maybe like the amish and they can stop at 13-16?? No computers you say, then lets get rid of them. Now see without current books and modern computer systems, how far our children will go in this age. How about it out there, those of you who use computers and current knowledge, how long would your business survive and would you hire anyone who did not have current knowledge and know the use of computers??? We may not like it but we are in an age of change, jobs are competive and few and far between. Its not a long walk from high paying one day to working fast food the next. We as a town, state and country have to stay ahead and competive in order to make it in this world. This is not the days of our fathers, where we went to the factory and applied and got the job, today there is drug tests, aptitude tests, and most places are using temp services to fill positions so that they do not have to pay benefits. In order to stay competive we need to teach our children accordingly. We can't let them fall behind and unable to enter college and the real world.
Stop and think people who all of this banter is really hurting. The ceo will still get his paycheck and so will the board of education and you and I as well. Our children should be the only issue and not the he said, she said. If you want to teach lessons, them vote!!!! WE the people voted in the board and WE the people are responsible for ALL of their actions. Go to board meetings and become involved with levy committies, get out there for our children and make your voices known.