Thursday, August 09, 2007

Equitable [ek-wi-tuh-buhl] –adjective 1. Just and right; fair; reasonable: equitable treatment of all citizens.


Thursday August 9ths special board meeting is NOT to vote on a negotiated contract. Sorry to burst your bubbles but it will be a quick, boring meeting.

“It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself” Eleanor Roosevelt

I guess it’s time for a new blog. First of all I have been asked several times about the status of the CEO’s evaluation. The Ohio Historical Society has deemed that it cannot be destroyed and it has been made a part of the public record. I am about to explode from keeping mum on negotiations. So I guess I’m just gonna let loose and tip toe around what’s actually going on and just point out a few facts on life. Many statements were read at the board meetings by teachers stating that they wanted what was “fair and equitable” and that’s fine with me. The Beacon Journal did a great article this weekend. Be sure to check it out. Anyway you decide what is fair and equitable.

The average household income in CF is $42,263 annually. Keep in mind that household part!

The average employee in CF works a 12 month year with an average of 2-5 weeks vacation. Sick days and personal days were “use it or lose it”. Some hospital employees could carry over 5 days from year to year.

An average insurance benefit was impossible as it varied so widely. It went anywhere from 10% for government workers to 30-60% for corporate workers to 100% for self employed and small business employees. I also talked to four people that had no insurance because the premium was 100% employee contribution and they couldn’t afford it and buy food, clothing and shelter.

The average doctors visit co-pay is $25.00.

Everyone I talked to that held a professional license paid for their own license renewal and continuing education if required, sans some hospital employees that had c/e paid for. Many people buy supplies they prefer to use rather than use what is provided by their employers.

One person receives an attendance bonus and he works for the government. Big surprise there! Many receive performance bonuses and some receive Christmas bonuses.

No one I talked to had a guaranteed job. All cited job performance, attendance, meeting goals set by the employer, efficient department operations, and customer satisfaction among the reasons for continued employment. No one kept his or her job because of longevity.

When asked if they wanted to pass a new levy every two years in addition to ALL renewal levies and continue to run our district status quo the answer was a resounding NO.

Now, let me share some more facts that may startle you so make sure you are sitting down.

The average teacher salary in CF is $48,000. An average teacher in CF receives $25,000 worth of benefits annually on top of wages. In addition to that many draw extra wages from the taxpayer in the form of stipends and extra duty contracts. That comprises coaching, club leadership, various continuous improvement committees, heck we even pay someone at each building to haul the DVD players from storage to classrooms and back.

One last thing I want to say. Remember the year 2005? Let me give you a refresher course. The district found itself about five million dollars in the hole. We let go of 90 teachers and a couple administrators. We closed two school buildings, and passed a levy that put a strain on many people struggling to get by. Wages and benefits are 85% of our, and most school districts budgets. I can tell you this- the five million dollar deficit didn’t happen solely because of the other 15% of the districts budget.


taxpayer said...

Very interesting reading but the taxpayers are powerless to make any changes, except by our votes--for members of the BOE and on levies. It is up to the BOE to represent our needs/desires and I don't have much confidence of that happening by those in the majority. The more we give the more they continue to spend. They know they can keep asking for more and the taxpayers will continue to enable them.

jpb2525 said...

I think it is a crying shame that you are even allowed to have this blog associated with your position as a Board Member....shame on you.

taxpayer said...

I think it is WONDERFUL you are "allowed to have this blog."

Sandra said...

It is time to CUT at the top!! That is where are the suplus money can come from. How many administrators does it take to run the disctrict? How many assistant administrators do we need? How many are double dipping???? Don't forget, not only to the higher ups make much more money, but they also have a benefit package making their salary even higher!(and their benefit package is usually better than the rest of the staff)
Why would you not want to pay the person TEACHING your children a decent salary and give them benefits?? It used to be said, that school systems don't pay well, but the make up for it with the benefits. HA HA HA, now you want to take that away also?
YOU go to school Kelly Patterson, spend 4 years and all that money to become a teacher, come out and take a job making what a new teacher starts at, which I believe is about $28,000 and then have to pay for your continuing education, and ofcourse you will have to get a master's degree if you want to stay a teacher, there goes another $10,000 in costs, and then tell me teacher's make too much and don't deserve to be treated well.

Anonymous said...

Sandra, you are very passionate about your message, and I respect that. But tell me, how you would expect to gain the support of the taxpayers when we are kept in the dark as to what you want. Time and time again you say all you want is a fair wage and fair benefits.

Let's look at it from both ends. What do feel is a fair wage for new teacher? What do you feel is a fair wage for a senior teacher, say 15 years and a masters degree.

What is a fair benefit package? What is fair health care cost?

If you can give me facts and they are unfair then I will stand beside you and picket. You cannot ask for support from the taxpayers if they don't know what you want and how you are being wronged.

Anonymous said...

Well Sandra it looks like does not matter what you or I think right now. I should have read the paper this morning.

I do however feel it is unfair not to let the taxpayers that end up paying the the bills know what the details are until it's over.

Sandra said...

I believe, and not knowing what the contract is or is not, that where we are at if all around fair. BUT I also believe that ALL of school funding is wrong. I believe that there are way to many administrators in EVERY school system, which in turn make the rest of the staff look very bad. The administration is the one with the high dollar salary and the high dollar benefit package, not the classified/certified staff. Is there any easier way to cut medical costs? I believe so. The school system wants control over the insurance and wants to be self insured. WHY???? it costs more! I do not believe Barry, that you and I are far apart on our ideas, and I agree with you that they need to come out and say what it is they actually want, and where they are being wronged.

Anonymous said...

Sandra, I could not agree with you more. We need to really look at the number of administrators we have given our current student population. I also agree with Kellie's idea that we may have not needed to hire another princple.

I hope that the contract is fair to all. The sad thing is that no matter what the outcome there will be those who will flail their hands and curse all sides of the issue. Funny thing is Sandra, did any of those people address the board with their wishes? Likewise once this is a done deal, we will be back to having the board meetings in the same small room. Will it be packed with teachers? Of coarse not. Just the same small group there always is.

Apathy by the taxpayers of this community has made this school system what it is today.

Ann said...

Only those on the negotiating teams know the content of the contract. The rank and file will not know until Wed. Does the average Cuyahoga Falls resident have a Master's Degree? When you compare salaries, you need to compare with professionals with a similar education level. On the subject of funding for schools, we all know it is unfair, but what is the answer?

gimmeabreak said...

....don't forget to compare the salaries of our fine neighbors in Silver Lake with the same level of Education, and drop the incomes of those who chose not to continue their educations......I suspect that will give Ms. Pattersons study quite the boost on the income/benifit scale. Have to compare Apples and Apples here

jpb2525 said...

Taxpayer...I do not have a problem with the blog. I have a problem with the conflict of interest this blog represents. Not to mention, ethically, it is questionable. If Ms. Patterson would not have listed in her title that she was a Board Member, I would feel differently about her posts. However, listing her title, then letting us in on how she feels about negotiations and the like walks a very fine line. As for Smart Alex: I appreciate you taking the time to visit my blog and to post your comment. I have responded on my blog and wish for you to read it.

System Modification said...

jpb2525, I couldn't agree with you more. Ms. Patterson has every right to her opinion. That being said, she also has an obligation to her role as a school board member. I guess this is one way to get around having to use money to further ones name in local politics. Blogs (at least for now, until one smart business man figures how much money an opinion is worth) are free. So, she advertises herself with every blog. It actually is ingenious. That doesn't make it right. It is a precarious line she is walking. Is there a disclaimer somewhere on this blog that says something to the effect of "the opinions of Ms. Patterson may not necessarily reflect that of her fellow board members, administrators, and/or Cuyahoga Falls City Schools?" If not, there should be. I would hate for people to believe she speaks for all of these people, because I can tell you, she doesn't speak for me!

System Modification said...

Hey, Smart Alex: Shame on you! I just looked at jpb2525's blog to see what his last comment was about. If one expresses an opinion that is contrary to yours then manners would/should dictate that you debate the issue, not lodge personal attacks against someone. Grow up, Smart Alex!

Sandra said...

What a great idea folks!! start a blog and get all the people bickering with each other and then the board and it's members go off and do what they want while we are not looking!
smoke and mirrors, plus a great way to vent on things you probably should have more professionalism about since you are a board member.

no_small_peanuts said...

A job that starts at 28k sounds good to me! Go ask some subs if they would be happy with that figure. They would jump at it! There are many folks out there that have spent ooodles of money on a college degree and not working in their field. Continuing ed?'s for the kids. You do want to be the best you can be.

??? said...

What happened to the tiger mascot? I liked the old version. Will it become obsolete??

jpb2525 said...

Smart Alex: I am are invited to respond to the blog that I left specifically for you. Ms. Patterson: Thank you for allowing me to contact Smart Alex through your blog.