Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thoughts at Election Time

I'd like to preface this blog by stating that the opinions stated here are mine. The numbers and facts I cite in my blogs come from various sources of public record. I do not have time to list my sources in every blog. If you'd like to refute any number I use, feel free. I don't post it unless I'm confident my source is solid. The statements in todays blog or any other blog I write for that matter, do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of other Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education members or employees of the Cuyahoga Falls City School District. I write this blog to convey my views and concerns to the citizens of Cuyahoga Falls so that they may make an informed decision at the voting booth. I also write to elicit feedback from citizens regarding current issues facing me as a board member.

I’ve been pondering whether to write this blog. After all, it seems so outrageous that I should even have to. But I am told that the rumor mill has been grinding up some tall tales. I guess election time does that to people. I got a call today from someone who was under the impression that I want to close more school buildings. I thought this issue had been buried a long time ago but it seems that this bit of misinformation is once again making the rounds. First of all, I don’t have the authority to close buildings. Second of all, I have never said I want to close buildings. I have said that I feel this district needs to reconfigure. We have some buildings packed full and others nearly empty. We have an elementary school with more students than the middle school it feeds to. I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again… I’m tired of some kids in this city getting the short end of the stick while other areas are pampered. I really find it odd that people are talking about me when I’m not even running for office. The caller felt it was a shallow attempt by the candidate to create a diversion from the real issues.

Another point the caller wanted clarified was whether I only support candidates from the City of Cuyahoga Falls. This one is easy. Yes. Silver Lake is overly represented on the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education. The small village is about ten percent of our population, provides ten percent of our local revenues, and yet controls sixty percent of your board of education. I strongly believe my city needs fair representation on the board. The median income in CF is much lower than SL and I’m not convinced that the candidate from SL understands the financial burden of new levies on us mortals. I’m not sure former administrators do either. That leaves two. You figure it out.

One of them I will mention here. Molly Benedum. Contrary to popular belief, I did not know Molly before the school districts’ financial fiasco of 2005. She contacted me and offered her financial expertise because we shared a common goal. That goal is to see our tax dollars spent wisely and see to it that information is not only available to the average Joe, but that the average Joe can understand it. Only then should you be asked whether you support an issue or not. Molly knows school finance almost as well as our treasurer and I feel would provide a valuable service to the citizens of Cuyahoga Falls.

Don’t forget what your current members up for election have done for the last few years. One was responsible for being asleep at the wheel and letting our finances go to pot and then promising to either “resign after the new members are settled in or finish my term and not run again, depending on how things go.” I guess that was a lie. But alas, society has become used to lying politicians and it hardly fazes us. So let's move on and look at what has been done. Both incumbents have voted to approve the purchase of a 50-year-old money pit of a bus garage still not being used (and needing about another quarter million dollars dumped into the project before it is usable!), encouraged the CEO to explore the drilling of natural gas on school property in the heart of Cuyahoga Falls, but the real kicker was they gave the largest percent increase in salary to the superintendent and treasurer before they were evaluated, before their contracts were negotiated, and without them even asking! They then approved a replacement levy to be placed on the ballot, even as the CAT tax is performing better than expected. In fact it is performing so well that we went from a deficit two years out last October to smooth sailing for the next 5 years. So don’t let them fool you like they tried to do with the friendly caller. Our positive financial future is due to three things: Prudent budgeting by our treasurer, generous payments from taxpayers, and a better than expected CAT payments.


taxpayer said...

Kellie, you are so right. It amazes me how quickly people "forget" and how complacent they become. The time has come to make a change if there is any hope for this district. For me it is not about where a person lives or doesn't live but rather how he/she will best serves the ENTIRE district and the taxpayers of this district. I do not believe the BOE as it stands today is doing that and I desperately want to see a change.

slimy_politics said...

Handy little campaign literature appeared on my door yesterday courtesy of Dunphy. It proclaimed the improved communication from the community survey. You know, the one that she was completely against.

And it talked up how the district finances have stabilized and debt has been retired, without an increase in taxes. I don't know where she's been living, but there was an increase in taxes right about the time she took office, no thanks to her lying partner in crime, Heath.

And did you hear the other board member blurting obscenities in the stands at the candidate's night?

We sure DO need a change and quick!!

henry-mills said...

Mrs.Gunters vile comments during the event was most disturbing. I can't help but feel that there may some emotional issues at hand.

taxpayer said...

Yes, it was very sad & unbecoming of an elected official (or anybody else for that matter), not to mention unprofessional. One does not have to agree with the speaker or even like him or her but I do believe she owed them some respect. Her behavior and that of others she was with was uncalled for and downright rude.

Stephen Neumeyer said...

Kellie, it was nice to finally meet you at the candidates night. Thank you for attending and listening to what we had to say. I appreciate you input. As I said to you then and say again now, thank you for your blog. While I know you blog your personal opinion it has been a source of insight to me and to many other people in the community.

Just for the record, I live down the road from Dewitt.

nomoremoney said...

I think you have to be nuts to want to be on the school board now.
Kellie is all alone in her focus on what the taxpayers want. Gunter has sold her soul and is now Dunphy's buddy. What a bunch of fools on the board. Holland will have the last laugh. His ass will be out of here as soon has he can find another job.

henry-mills said...

I see is up and running again. I hope without the porn this time.

Anonymous said...

Now more than ever we need fresh people on the board. The Falls needs proper representation.

bats_in_the_belfry said...

Was Heath really at the ball game instead of candidates night?

Also you folks better lay off Gunter or all hell will break loose.

rl said...

Aw..c'mon now can do better than that, eh?

As honestly as you espouse your support for a School Board candidate, can't you just as honestly name the Village of Silver Lake as the community "over-represented" on the Cuyahoga Falls City School Board???

It's not like it's their's not like they're some "evil" entity seeking to dominate us all, eh? The citizens of the City of Cuyahoga Falls and it's corresponding School Systems will get the School Board it deserves...been that way in city elections, state elections, national elections, union elections and school board elections since the beginning of time!

Grow a set...will ya' lady?