Thursday, January 24, 2008

Mixed Bag

Man do I need my head examined. I should have seen it coming last night. The board agreed to form a committee to study our bussing program. The board dictat- errr I mean president, asked if anyone was interested in this committee. Two members were to be appointed. Our newest member spoke up first, then myself, then the VP. Well the noob got it (for those of you net lingo dummies, a noob is a person that is new at any particular event, game, board, etc.) and then after much hemming and hawing she appointed herself. Let’s see, which board member has been concerned about bussing inequities from day one? Oh, I believe that was me. Let’s see, who has lived here their entire life and knows our streets, I dare say, better than even our most experienced bus driver? Oh, that also would be me. And maybe the noob. I guess what really perplexes me is that afterward while waiting for our new board photo to be snapped, the pres explained to me the she wanted the noob for his bussing expertise and herself because she’s really interested in this. Um OK. So why ask during the meeting if anyone was interested if you already knew? Why not just state the people and the reasons? Are any of you interested in kissing my butt? Well too bad if you are because I already know who I want to kiss my butt. I only asked so I could tell you no.

Some strange happenings have happened to me lately. This morning I go to my favorite coffee shop to sit in my car and drink over priced coffee and use their internet service for free. Why my car you ask? Because it’s my comfort zone where no one can bug me. Anyway, I’m sitting there gazing at the new Hoover Mahal, when one of our administrators strolls inside with a gift bag in hand. Dang! I knew I shouldn’t have worn my pajamas out of the house today! I had to go home and change just so I could go back and be nosy! I saw her greet some dudes in suits and was convinced they were meeting to steal her away from us! I like this lady. I couldn’t let them woo her on my turf! So I raced home and changed and very slick like went back to nonchalantly go inside and shock every barista working, as they have only seen me in my car at the drive thru and parked out front using their internet. (Barista is a fancy term for the person who makes the over priced coffee).

Much to my surprise there was no wooing. There was a party (complete with gifts)/ Cuyahoga Falls administrative educational meeting happening. Eeeek. I’m not sure who was more uncomfortable, me or the nine or so of our employees par-taying. Don’t worry, they’ll have to water board me to get names. They’ll have to pry the list out of my cold dead hands, they’ll have to… well, you get the picture. Some might say “lighten up Kellie”. I have a question. Why is it the only people you see hanging out in food and beverage establishments during normal working hours are people whose wages come from our tax dollars? And attorneys, but they’re not really people. I’m not just talking about our employees. It starts with them but it’s city workers, it’s county workers, way obvious with state workers, and on down the line. Now I don’t know about you but I have to stay at work and work. And presents have never been part of the mix. Who knows, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the gifts were part of some educational training exercise. I actually don’t really have a problem with a meeting outside district offices if it’s something that warrants it. But could you at least give the appearance of not having a party?

Lastly I want to share a quick story about one of the many things that it wrong with society today. My sons cell phone was stolen. The mother of the thief called me to see if his story of how he acquired it was true. We agreed that the police should be called because his story had changed four times. From the original story that my son gave it to him, to the final- a dark haired stranger from Roberts Middle School gave it to him at the park, told him whose it was and then roughed him up a little. The police went to his house and he stuck to the dark haired stranger story. The police called me back to tell me that I should instruct my son to not show off his expensive ($30 cell phone?) electronics to his “friends” and there was nothing they could do to the thief. I quote “we’re not gonna do the bright light in the face and strong arm a nine year old”. So I guess the moral of the story is this, it’s ok to steal and lie before you’re ten years old. My kid and the thief learned this lesson today. Today a nine year old stealing a cell phone tomorrow an eighteen year robbing the pizza delivery man.


Officer Tiger MacDonald said...

Wow. And we wonder what's wrong with kids today. So this is why we had to pull a school resource officer, so we could have more cops on the street to teach our kids how to grow up to be fine young adults. Something tells me mommy and daddy will be visiting him in beautiful downtown Mansfield one day. Or wait, maybe he could run for the CF school board. I'm sure by the time he's 18 he'll be able to spell corruption. And quack. Do we really have a school board president who quacks? The other memmbers must have been smoking crack during the vote. Did they have to quack her in or did yay or nay suffice? This city is turning into a real joke. I call for a rename- The Cuyahoga Fallsview Board of Education. (Except for the only one with an ounce of sanity and no agenda, and I think we all know who that is). PSYCHOTIC PERSONS SHOULD NOT BE PRESIDENTS OF SCHOOL BOARDS. OR BE ON SCHOOL BOARDS AT ALL. E-I-E-I-O.

taxpayer said...

As I have said over and over again, the more things change the more they stay the same with the good ol' CF Schools. The busing committee will be another waste of time with you know who serving on it. (but it will LOOK like they have a real interest in trying to improve things-yeah right!) HE is the reason it is the way it is now and he will see to it that the exceptions remain. Correct me if I am wrong but the prez's child has never even used a CF school bus to get to and from school. Plus she is flying south in the spring so what interest does she have in the busing in this district, or anything else for that matter? How many parents will serve on this committee and how will they be selected or appointed? It is a JOKE just like everything else around here.

Kellie Patterson said...

Sorry, I didn't mention that. Only one parent will be on the committee. You know we can't let the public have a majority over the people who know it all!

taxpayer said...

ONE PARENT?????????? Who set up this committee? Why even bother?

suspicious_mind said...

officer, the new board prez doesn't just quack. she IS a quack.

the lunatics have definitely taken over the asylum in good old cf.

i'll bet the 1 parent on the busing committee has a zip code that ends in a 4 too.

taxpayer said...

Oh you can rest assured THE parent will be one of their cronies so that she/he will do their bidding and not step on any toes, except those of the taxpayers. I would like to know who established this committee and came up with all the particulars. IF they really want to bring about any change they need to get lots of parents involved on this committee. Oh, but then the favoritism, wasteful spending, and corruption would be exposed. Now they wouldn't want that, would they?

nancyjeanne said...

The one shining bright spot is that one board position might have to change this year.

Keep your fingers crossed.

As far as the kid with stealing the phone. Mom knows. When I was a kid, the school admin, the police - I would rather it be them then my mother. Hell hath no fury than my mother. Discipline starts with the parents. Right and wrong are learned from the parents.

taxpayer said...

And the BOE gets to appoint the new member so....what help is that???

rhofer said...

You are right about being more scared of what the parents might do. At least that is the way it used to be. Now a days I have to wonder about how they are raised at home. I see kids everyday who have little or no respect for other people's belongings. They should have by high school learned something, but I don't see it. Through the years of social promotion they have learned that they don't have to work to get ahead. Then they hit high school and think it is the same way there. Unfortunately, they learn quickly that it is different there. They need to work to pass and many don't know how. Parents can't expect the schools to do all of the teaching, especially the social aspects. It is time for parents to take a harder look at how they are raising their kids. Then there would not be the stealing and fighting that goes on in schools.