Saturday, January 12, 2008

Trust Everybody, But Cut the Cards.

I have had several people ask me about my vote for president and vice president. Allow me to explain. Not only did I vote Gunter for president, I seconded the nomination. And yes I also voted yes on Dunphy for vice. You see I was under the false impression that these two women truly wanted to turn a new leaf and begin a year of cooperation. Silly me.
As was witnessed at the meeting, I kept my end of the cooperation deal. I foolishly believed that this board could come together and start working for the people of the district. I was led to believe that I had support in my nomination of a Cuyahoga Falls resident to be appointed to the districts finance committee. I would not have nominated him had the support not been there. But I went into the meeting believing it was. I thought that perhaps all those hours of mediation and thousands of dollars spent on boardmanship and training seminars had finally paid off. How nice that the board could finally put some time and energy into working for the taxpayers and their children.
First up on the agenda- electing a president. Gunter was nominated. I thought to myself, what better way to show my appreciation of the new board attitude than to second the nomination? During the discussion a speech was made by a fellow board member talking about working together and coming together for the common good, etc… I was almost moved to tears. New pres is elected 5-0 and sworn in. Then Dunphy was nominated for vice president and our brand new president gave a similar spiel on cooperation and the new board love. I almost asked if we could have a group hug. I also voted yes on this nomination. But it seems our newest member wasn’t fooled by this display of ours and voted no. Really loud. But alas 4 yes votes and she’s sworn in.
The meeting then proceeded as usual until it came to the finance committee approval. Since only four of the original five members expressed interest in continuing their service, I contacted a gentleman who had previously expressed a desire to serve over a year ago. He was still interested so I decided I would recommend he be added to the committee the board was asked to approve.
My does word travel fast. Much to my surprise, an amendment to the agenda was waiting for me at the board meeting. Boy was this going to be uncomfortable. It seems there was a last minute phone call and whamo bammo we have the fifth finance member back! I didn’t think this was going to be a problem though. After all, it’s not like they make any binding decisions. I decided that I would move to add my recommendation as well since an odd number and majority considerations aren’t needed for this group.
Shouldn’t be any problem, I was thinking. After all this guy’s a well known in our city. He’s a 17 year resident of Cuyahoga Falls, has a stake in our property values, and the health of our districts’ finances as well as the quality of education here. Oh and did I mention that he has an intimate knowledge of school finance? In fact he has more years experience with school finance than any one else on the committee including our own employees. And he was willing to share his knowledge and expertise gratis. Not only that, he was a respected employee of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education awhile back, left on good terms, and has offered help and assistance through the districts financial fiasco of 2005. Surely a shoe-in!
I moved to add the sixth member and it was seconded. My first clue something was amiss was when the new and improved board president suggested that this was the superintendents committee and she didn’t think the board had the authority to alter his recommendations. I was stunned. Apparently someone needs to brush up on who the agenda belongs to. Wait a minute! I remember this same board member waving the agenda around during a meeting in 2006 and pointing out to this same superintendent that the agenda and its items belong to the board. Surely she knows the board has the authority to amend any item brought forward!
Here’s a little meeting lesson for those of you that luckily do not have to deal with it- When a motion is made and seconded it must have discussion and then be put to the vote. Now here was our new board president trying to declare the motion illegal! I guess the new title went to her head. We elected a president not another dictator. Guess that speech at the start of the meeting was lip service.
After trying to calmly say to her that she couldn’t declare my motion illegal and began to explain why- she cut me off and “called the question” which means end all discussion and vote on the original motion. I in turn declared a “point of order” which stops her action and forces the explanation of my right as a member to have my valid, seconded motion put to the vote. I sat there perplexed as to why voting to enhance our districts finance committee had become such an issue. Needless to say, I won this round and it was put to the vote.
Imagine my surprise after thinking this gentleman had support and publicly nominating him to this committee only to watch the motion fail 2-3.
I guess the contract of personal agendas is in full force and effect. I was a fool for believing that this board was making progress.
On a lighter note it looks like my idea of having more meetings in the library might happen after all. Yeah I know I got ignored when I suggested it. Yeah I know it took one of the majority members suggesting it with one of those over the top of the glasses glances. But regardless it’s happening. It will be much easier for handicapped, disabled, and just plain old achy people like me to attend board meetings. It’s a good thing no matter how it gets done.


taxpayer said...

Looks like it is business as usual with the CF Schools. The more things change the more they stay the same. I am REALLY surprised you fell for their ploy. Really surprised!!! (And disappointed too!)

taxpayer said...

I feel like I am the only one out there that still reads this blog. Isn't there anybody else that reads this and cares about what is going on anymore? Has everybody given up?

Kellie Patterson said...

Taxpayer, I assure you you're not! It's just paranoia has got it's claws into most of these people. Fear of the truth is a powerful squelcher. They still read a plenty. They just wont post.