Sunday, June 15, 2008

No Worries

Wow. Wednesday night was the worst board meeting yet. It started out great. I was asked by the board president to lead a discussion regarding the community survey conducted over a year ago. I prepared a power point with aspects that stood out as either “what we’re doing right” and “what we need to improve or implement”. It was met with the usual eye rolling, lackadaisical, I’ve got better things to do attitude. I suggested that some of these resident concerns be made a part of our newly minted goals. After all wasn’t this what the survey was for? Or did we do it so we could have a good read about resident concerns and then do nothing about it?

Then something interesting happened. I was surprised when at the beginning of the meeting an addendum to the agenda was presented that included a surprise executive session. It stated that it was for discussion of the Patterson litigation. I was shocked that they were willing to discuss it with me, but glad because I thought maybe we could finally work through the issues that I feel are Sunshine Law violations and putting our actions at risk. So after all regular business, it was moved and seconded that to enter executive session. A five minute recess was called rather than the customary 10. Upon my return in 4 minutes 56 seconds, I was physically blocked access to the executive session. I explained that I needed to hear it from the board president and attempted to enter the room. The door was then opened for me and the board president stepped outside with me. She agreed I should be denied access and returned to the room and the door was shut. I attempted to enter the room to request that the record reflect that I was being physically denied access but instead the door was opened and the treasurer was asked to step outside to hear my request. I waited outside 1 hour and 6 minutes, watched the stage crew remove all recording equipment, and adjourned with the board, once again asking that the record reflect that I was physically excluded from the meeting. We agreed on something for a change. The vote to adjourn was 5-0.

Then I read the Falls News today. I find the statement of “she can’t be a plaintiff and a defendant” was sort of ironic. Why not? I can be a board member and not a board member at the same time.

My biggest problem with the whole scenario is that no one even had the decency to ask me to excuse myself. Not that I would have. I see no reason members cannot meet in pairs with the board atty. Wrongful acts have already occurred in executive session yet I am supposed to trust that this time things will be different. And why do I have a problem with the defendant meeting in this manner to discuss the pending litigation? Because their collaboration is not my concern. Because they frequently do discuss items not allowed. And how about because they could have done this in a proper manner, on the record and given me a proper forum in front of the entire board to defend myself rather than clustering themselves in a room and barring my access.

And now a little blurb on last Mondays goals board meeting. The noob pointed out that finances didn’t make it into our goal session a few months back. That’s right- no financial goals. I pointed out that I had many financial goals on the board but they didn’t get a majority vote to move forward. He ignored me and went on to say that now that he’s seen the five year forecast he thinks we should add that one! Novel idea noob. But the best goal is this one- Having the district labeled “Excellent” by the end of next school year. Don’t get me wrong, I will be thrilled if we did, but I generally set attainable, realistic goals. Maybe by 2010 or’11. But ’09? Come on. I dare our staff to prove me wrong. But it’s not just them. It’s parents and the kids themselves too and I don’t we are quite there yet. Just like with raising the GPA to participate, it’s a lofty idea that hasn’t been thought through.


Sandra said...

Maybe you were not allowed in the room because YOU are the one who brought the lawsuit AGAINST the board???? This was all
YOUR CHOICE Kelly. So if you dont like the way they treat you then take your toys and GO HOME!! How ridiculous can you be! You actually expected them to let you in? Use your last two brain cells for a change, and get out of the fairy tale world you live in.

Kellie Patterson said...

LOL Sandra. It is the manner of exclusion that upset me. It was moved and seconded that the BOARD enter executive session with a 5-0 vote to "discuss the Patterson litigation". There was a point for discussion before the vote and this matter should have been a priority for the board president to address. But she let the myself and the public believe that the BOARD would discuss the matter. A short recess was called and the room was cleared. To spring this on me in this manner, off the record, with no chance of rebuttal or defense was cowardly. How about leaning across the table and asking me if I would excuse myself like decent people do? Or how about actually letting me in and discussing the matter as was proposed on the agenda? Oh that's right- That would require playing nice.

Sandra said...

YOU drew first blood!! YOU filed the lawsuit, you want them to play nice when you don't!!! You cannot have it both ways!!!! You said you would NOT leave the room if they asked you to, don't you think they knew that???
Maybe this is too much of a grownup job for you.

Kellie Patterson said...

Gee Sandra, When did I say that? Are you listening to gossip? Not very grown up.

Sandra said...

you said it in your own blog!
reread it for yourself! I do not listen to gossip.

Kellie Patterson said...

You said "don't you think they knew that???" How could they have without asking me? I said that in my blog days after the fact. Never before hand because it wasn't talked about at all. I was led to believe they wanted discussion because that's what the agenda said. Period.

Cyberdine said...


The word "noob" is an insult. In your capacity, it is unprofessional to use it.

Young but not Dumb! said...

Yes noob is what I would refer to someone in a computer game I once played :D And kids played that. The truth is kellie, it WAS a discussion about you but perhaps its better if you dont know the truth. Some people cant handle the truth. I honestly dont believe you will be relected to the BOE and then perhaps the posts will stop..Or you will ramble on for years about how unfair the courts were to you if you were to lose this whole thing. I wish everyone you "stood" for were reading these posts on your blog..then maybe a 5th seat.aka yours would be replaced by someone more in depth with the problems at hand.