Monday, November 10, 2008

Fixing Funding

Today I attended the Ohio School Boards Association Delegates Assembly. Governor Strickland made an appearance. I was curious what he would say regarding fixing school funding. Remember- he claimed that he would be a failure as Governor if he didn’t fix school funding. Unfortunately it will most likely cost us in one way or another. If we aint paying it in property taxes, we’ll be paying it in some other form. Unless we come up with a new thing to tax. (cough, cough, casino.) But done right. Anyway, back to the governor. He’s for and against all the right things when it comes to public education. Hold charter schools to the same standards, end unfunded mandates, and increasing the state share of district money. Everyone clapped at that one apparently unaware that the money still comes from the same pockets in the end. Yours, mine and theirs.

But I guess as a board member, it means a little more money for the district. Or does it? This amount will not even offset the amount lost as tangible personal property tax is phased out of district revenues. But I have to give the Governor credit. At least he realizes it is a serious problem. And more to his credit he is willing to give the people a voice in it. More forums from the Governors education series will be held in the next couple months. This time they are funding sessions.

Let’s hope that some Ohio’s best and brightest show up with solutions that will work. I think we have a Governor that is willing to listen to the people and a legislature that will back him up.

I didn’t support Governor Strickland but after having listened to several speeches and forums hosted by him, he seems like a man committed to funding schools fairly and adequately. His emphasis on the importance of public education in Ohio seems genuine. His desire to fix the funding problems in Ohio was reiterated today. He doesn’t have long to prove it. But after listening to him today, I think he just might be able to do it.

1 comment:

rl said...

Well, thanks for being so magnanomous on the Governor's behalf, Kellie! Why no opinion as to how his Administration should proceed in fullfilling the mandate outlinded by the Ohio Supreme Court Decision on school funding? Should he attempt to correct same in his bi-annual budget and suffer the slings and arrows of the "loyal opposition" in the Ohio Congress or should he seek some type of rererendum a la "casino gambling"???

Should we seek to shift the funding of our public school systems(K-12) away from property taxes toward such sources of income as income taxes or a sales tax? Have we really examined all the ways to realize any cost savings related to our School System's greatest burden...Operating Costs?

Sorry, folks, lest some accuse me of using code words, "operating costs" means employee wages and salaries...sigh.