Not a whole lot to report. Saturdays’ meeting was fairly uneventful. I was hoping we could hash out some of our differences and get down to the nitty gritty of coming up with some goals and direction for our administrators. We did go over some one-year goals for ourselves. It was refreshing to see some different points of view emerge. But in reality our administrators are doing their own thing with no direction from the board. At least none I know of.
As you can imagine most administrators are not looking for ways to save money. They don’t seem to have time for such nonsense. In fact, I’ve already heard rumblings of how hard everyone has it. "We cannot continue to operate under the current conditions". No we can’t. We need to look for more cuts and savings. We cannot keep asking property owners for more money with no end in sight.
Our CFO recently brought us through some very tight times without borrowing money and I think she deserves all the praise we can muster for that feat. Many obligations were delayed payment and she took a lot of heat for it. I trust her judgement and respect her self-assurance.
But while all this was going on, we paid office consultants to study central office reorganization. Is this really the time to be worried about such matters as the comfort of our administrators? I think the consultant fees could have paid some important contractual obligations. The public was told last February that it was time for some belt tightening. Our board offices were reorganized 2 years ago. I can’t help it that it’s not to the current administrations liking. If you MUST have special education and pupil services moved back to Stow Ave. I suggest putting the desks and files in a district owned vehicle and hauling them over to the board offices. We can have board meetings in the band room for all I care. Library, cafeteria, whatever. Any place is better than where they are currently held. I’d like to see a wheelchair get up to the board room. I like to see what paramedics would do to get a trauma patient out.
Here’s an idea. Let the secretaries reorganize the offices. I suspect that the secretaries and assistants already employed by the district could better consult as to what is needed to be functional. Bonus points are granted because we already pay them. Get these people involved because they are the heart and soul of the office. They are truly who keeps it running.
A request for new money is certainly in our future if we continue to spend at the current rate. Pay attention taxpayer and start asking your board members what is happening with your money. I don't think you elected us to follow the levy brick road.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
"Can't we just all git along?" Rodney King
Let’s clear a few things up. This is my blog. The opinions here are mine and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the other board members. I thought that was implied by the name of the blog but apparently some people fear that you are so stupid you will not understand this concept. So there – I’ve said it. My blog, my opinions, my thoughts on what is going on with your school board. Next – I am not always voting a no vote, I am not the only one voting against the majority, and I do not have an "agenda". I’m NOT the renegade board member! Oh yeah- - and I did not win because I lucked out and was first on the ballot. All candidates were randomly ordered on all ballots throughout the precincts in our district. I received the most votes simply because more people liked what I had to say. I hope this clears up some of the misinformation spread about me.
Now to address my "agenda". I keep hearing this catch phrase but no one seems to know what agenda I am pushing, including myself.
Is it the agenda to see our tax dollars spent equitably? The agenda to remind our administrators that it’s our money they’re spending and insist they do it wisely? Or is it the agenda that I think all the children of the Cuyahoga Falls City school district deserve an "excellent" education?
The reason for the blog is this: I realize you are too busy to come to board meetings. I realize that does not mean you don’t care on several levels. We live in a day and age where the ability to acquire information is a click away. My feeling is this. I am making decisions for the people that fund our schools whether they are attending meetings or not. It is my duty to utilize whatever means possible to convey information to the voters and garner feedback from them. Regardless of my personal opinions on matters I intend to vote based on input from the voters. I know this is a new concept for the board. Our district tends to ignore the 85% of our city without children that support our schools until a levy is needed. The people that voted for me expect me to spend the money we currently receive from them wisely and stop asking for more. I’d like to see that happen.
You don’t have to wade through five or six links to get to me. My Email address is to the right. So are some links I thought would be helpful. Hate mail does not bother me a bit. In fact I have found it to be quite entertaining. It also reinforces my reason for publishing this blog. Too many people do not understand what a Board of Education should be doing for the taxpayer. I will do my best to see the general public be kept up to date and informed. Like my first post said: Knowledge is Power.
BTW. We are having a board pow wow this Saturday at 8 AM in the board room. YAWN. It's awfully early but fear not- no votes will happen. I thought I'd mention it because it is a special meeting not on our regular calendar. I'm told discussion will involve board roles and responsibilities and maybe our goals and "where we want to take the district" if time allows. I'll post Monday and fill you in on the details.
Now to address my "agenda". I keep hearing this catch phrase but no one seems to know what agenda I am pushing, including myself.
Is it the agenda to see our tax dollars spent equitably? The agenda to remind our administrators that it’s our money they’re spending and insist they do it wisely? Or is it the agenda that I think all the children of the Cuyahoga Falls City school district deserve an "excellent" education?
The reason for the blog is this: I realize you are too busy to come to board meetings. I realize that does not mean you don’t care on several levels. We live in a day and age where the ability to acquire information is a click away. My feeling is this. I am making decisions for the people that fund our schools whether they are attending meetings or not. It is my duty to utilize whatever means possible to convey information to the voters and garner feedback from them. Regardless of my personal opinions on matters I intend to vote based on input from the voters. I know this is a new concept for the board. Our district tends to ignore the 85% of our city without children that support our schools until a levy is needed. The people that voted for me expect me to spend the money we currently receive from them wisely and stop asking for more. I’d like to see that happen.
You don’t have to wade through five or six links to get to me. My Email address is to the right. So are some links I thought would be helpful. Hate mail does not bother me a bit. In fact I have found it to be quite entertaining. It also reinforces my reason for publishing this blog. Too many people do not understand what a Board of Education should be doing for the taxpayer. I will do my best to see the general public be kept up to date and informed. Like my first post said: Knowledge is Power.
BTW. We are having a board pow wow this Saturday at 8 AM in the board room. YAWN. It's awfully early but fear not- no votes will happen. I thought I'd mention it because it is a special meeting not on our regular calendar. I'm told discussion will involve board roles and responsibilities and maybe our goals and "where we want to take the district" if time allows. I'll post Monday and fill you in on the details.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Once again our fearless leaders have done you wrong. We held a special board meeting Saturday. Unfortunately I asked if it would be recorded or minutes taken and was told by our treasurer that "I only need to record the votes".
Now before you get excited, please know that the only votes were to approve the agenda and to adjourn. I did not receive my agenda 24 hours in advance of the meeting and although I have known for 2 weeks a meeting was to take place on that date at that time, I did not know where the meeting was to take place. In fact no attempt was made to inform me of the meeting place other than an E-mail sent Thursday. For the record, anyone who has any knowledge of Sunshine Law knows that Email is not an acceptable method of notification for any meeting of the Board of Education. Was something wrong with the telephones at the offices that day? If I hadn’t checked my Email Friday night, I would not have known where a meeting was taking place. I only checked my Email because my board packet of information did not show up Friday as it usually does.
Should I feel purposely left out? Should you feel left out? I’m way too paranoid to think I was not. The media was notified too late to print anything and no attempt was made to notify the public in any way. I’m not sure how things usually work but I want to do things above board. Pardon the pun.
The point is, the public wasn’t wanted at the meeting and wasn’t invited. I’m not sure why because it was an informative, interactive meeting. I wont bore you here with the details but if you are interested in what happened ask your local friendly school board member.
Now before you get excited, please know that the only votes were to approve the agenda and to adjourn. I did not receive my agenda 24 hours in advance of the meeting and although I have known for 2 weeks a meeting was to take place on that date at that time, I did not know where the meeting was to take place. In fact no attempt was made to inform me of the meeting place other than an E-mail sent Thursday. For the record, anyone who has any knowledge of Sunshine Law knows that Email is not an acceptable method of notification for any meeting of the Board of Education. Was something wrong with the telephones at the offices that day? If I hadn’t checked my Email Friday night, I would not have known where a meeting was taking place. I only checked my Email because my board packet of information did not show up Friday as it usually does.
Should I feel purposely left out? Should you feel left out? I’m way too paranoid to think I was not. The media was notified too late to print anything and no attempt was made to notify the public in any way. I’m not sure how things usually work but I want to do things above board. Pardon the pun.
The point is, the public wasn’t wanted at the meeting and wasn’t invited. I’m not sure why because it was an informative, interactive meeting. I wont bore you here with the details but if you are interested in what happened ask your local friendly school board member.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
SHHHHHH The Public Might Hear!
Our second board meeting didn’t proceed as I anticipated. A motion was made that I felt would be ill received once realized by our "stock holders" and I looked forward to discussion and debate regarding this issue. During discussion a fellow board member (not myself) was cut off and the presiding officer called for a vote on the motion. The motion carried . I left knowing proper protocol was not followed but unsure how to call attention to it without embarrassing the presiding officer in public. I chose to Email the presiding officer with my concerns regarding Roberts Rules and Sunshine Law and the boards' conduct violations. I was Emailed back this response "Should I have made a call for a motion to "move the previous question?" Probably."
Not probably. The presiding officer should have "called the question" or moved to "close debate". Either motion needs 4 out of 5 votes to work. The reason for this is it prevents the majority of denying the minority the right to speak. All viewpoints have a right to be considered by the board when making decisions that affect everyone. When I relayed this information to the presiding officer, the response was :"I made the decision to call for the vote, my decision."
So can someone please explain to me when we should debate the issues brought before us? By law we cannot meet as a group to discuss board business outside of a meeting. I have been informed by several persons that the board meeting is no place for debate. Yet we vote on debatable motions. In fact there is a motion to close debate, a motion to extend debate, and a motion to limit debate, besides the fact that every motion carries the question "is it debatable?" Sounds like somebody doesn’t want you to understand what’s going on.
I picked this for my topic because I want voters to understand how a public board is supposed to work versus how the CFCSD board has typically worked. The public has little knowledge of what we should expect from our elected officials and even less knowledge of their right to know.
Not probably. The presiding officer should have "called the question" or moved to "close debate". Either motion needs 4 out of 5 votes to work. The reason for this is it prevents the majority of denying the minority the right to speak. All viewpoints have a right to be considered by the board when making decisions that affect everyone. When I relayed this information to the presiding officer, the response was :"I made the decision to call for the vote, my decision."
So can someone please explain to me when we should debate the issues brought before us? By law we cannot meet as a group to discuss board business outside of a meeting. I have been informed by several persons that the board meeting is no place for debate. Yet we vote on debatable motions. In fact there is a motion to close debate, a motion to extend debate, and a motion to limit debate, besides the fact that every motion carries the question "is it debatable?" Sounds like somebody doesn’t want you to understand what’s going on.
I picked this for my topic because I want voters to understand how a public board is supposed to work versus how the CFCSD board has typically worked. The public has little knowledge of what we should expect from our elected officials and even less knowledge of their right to know.
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