Monday, February 27, 2006

Follow the Levy Brick Road

Not a whole lot to report. Saturdays’ meeting was fairly uneventful. I was hoping we could hash out some of our differences and get down to the nitty gritty of coming up with some goals and direction for our administrators. We did go over some one-year goals for ourselves. It was refreshing to see some different points of view emerge. But in reality our administrators are doing their own thing with no direction from the board. At least none I know of.
As you can imagine most administrators are not looking for ways to save money. They don’t seem to have time for such nonsense. In fact, I’ve already heard rumblings of how hard everyone has it. "We cannot continue to operate under the current conditions". No we can’t. We need to look for more cuts and savings. We cannot keep asking property owners for more money with no end in sight.
Our CFO recently brought us through some very tight times without borrowing money and I think she deserves all the praise we can muster for that feat. Many obligations were delayed payment and she took a lot of heat for it. I trust her judgement and respect her self-assurance.
But while all this was going on, we paid office consultants to study central office reorganization. Is this really the time to be worried about such matters as the comfort of our administrators? I think the consultant fees could have paid some important contractual obligations. The public was told last February that it was time for some belt tightening. Our board offices were reorganized 2 years ago. I can’t help it that it’s not to the current administrations liking. If you MUST have special education and pupil services moved back to Stow Ave. I suggest putting the desks and files in a district owned vehicle and hauling them over to the board offices. We can have board meetings in the band room for all I care. Library, cafeteria, whatever. Any place is better than where they are currently held. I’d like to see a wheelchair get up to the board room. I like to see what paramedics would do to get a trauma patient out.
Here’s an idea. Let the secretaries reorganize the offices. I suspect that the secretaries and assistants already employed by the district could better consult as to what is needed to be functional. Bonus points are granted because we already pay them. Get these people involved because they are the heart and soul of the office. They are truly who keeps it running.
A request for new money is certainly in our future if we continue to spend at the current rate. Pay attention taxpayer and start asking your board members what is happening with your money. I don't think you elected us to follow the levy brick road.

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