Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Can't we just all git along?" Rodney King

Let’s clear a few things up. This is my blog. The opinions here are mine and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the other board members. I thought that was implied by the name of the blog but apparently some people fear that you are so stupid you will not understand this concept. So there – I’ve said it. My blog, my opinions, my thoughts on what is going on with your school board. Next – I am not always voting a no vote, I am not the only one voting against the majority, and I do not have an "agenda". I’m NOT the renegade board member! Oh yeah- - and I did not win because I lucked out and was first on the ballot. All candidates were randomly ordered on all ballots throughout the precincts in our district. I received the most votes simply because more people liked what I had to say. I hope this clears up some of the misinformation spread about me.
Now to address my "agenda". I keep hearing this catch phrase but no one seems to know what agenda I am pushing, including myself.
Is it the agenda to see our tax dollars spent equitably? The agenda to remind our administrators that it’s our money they’re spending and insist they do it wisely? Or is it the agenda that I think all the children of the Cuyahoga Falls City school district deserve an "excellent" education?
The reason for the blog is this: I realize you are too busy to come to board meetings. I realize that does not mean you don’t care on several levels. We live in a day and age where the ability to acquire information is a click away. My feeling is this. I am making decisions for the people that fund our schools whether they are attending meetings or not. It is my duty to utilize whatever means possible to convey information to the voters and garner feedback from them. Regardless of my personal opinions on matters I intend to vote based on input from the voters. I know this is a new concept for the board. Our district tends to ignore the 85% of our city without children that support our schools until a levy is needed. The people that voted for me expect me to spend the money we currently receive from them wisely and stop asking for more. I’d like to see that happen.
You don’t have to wade through five or six links to get to me. My Email address is to the right. So are some links I thought would be helpful. Hate mail does not bother me a bit. In fact I have found it to be quite entertaining. It also reinforces my reason for publishing this blog. Too many people do not understand what a Board of Education should be doing for the taxpayer. I will do my best to see the general public be kept up to date and informed. Like my first post said: Knowledge is Power.
BTW. We are having a board pow wow this Saturday at 8 AM in the board room. YAWN. It's awfully early but fear not- no votes will happen. I thought I'd mention it because it is a special meeting not on our regular calendar. I'm told discussion will involve board roles and responsibilities and maybe our goals and "where we want to take the district" if time allows. I'll post Monday and fill you in on the details.

1 comment:

Scott Piepho said...


A quick (offtopic) reminder that you are invited to the inaugural session of Akron Meet the Bloggers tomorrow with Betty Sutton. Details here.