Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Did I Miss Anyone?

Why am I so pessimistic? I guess because I’m one of those people that is destined to grow up and be a cranky old lady. It’s my nature to distrust governmental agencies. When you read “real” newspapers (sorry Falls News) you get information about how non-elected administrators are spending our money. Take the Plain Dealer (Monday, January 29, 2007) the other day for instance. They point out that Mr. Sanders may have other favors, I mean reasons, for refinancing. He’s certainly handing out a lot of jobs to his buddies. These are the things taxpayers are tired of. And you can’t vote them out. Favors and grabbing all the taxpayer money you can is the main reason these jobs are sought. Trust me, I grew up in a family that had every extended family member in some sort of government job or another. That or they were a union officer and employee at one auto maker or another so I understand what unions are all about too. Most administrators aren’t in this “for the kids”, and unions aren’t in it for the employees. That’s my opinion anyway. Teachers are at as much of a disadvantage in the current school culture as our kids are. I’m told time and time again that it’s their own union contract that prevents them from teaching methods and curricula that they feel would be successful. Another thing I’m secretly told, but no one wants to say out loud is if they actually had a choice as to joining the union or not, some teachers would not join. But if you want to teach, you’re in. You pay the dues whether you want to or not. Kind of ironic that the union says the teachers are not paid enough, yet force people who don’t want to give up the money for dues to pay. Now let’s talk about administrators, favors and tax money.

The Falls News did do an article this week on the reconfiguration committee meeting. I notice little was said regarding the committee chairs or how this looked to several of us from CF. First let me point out that there are three committee chairs. Two from Silver Lake and one from Cuyahoga Falls. Take note of the ever-present Silver Lake majority. And for the record, nothing from the CF committee chair made it to the recommendation list. Only SL suggestions made it The PFE facilitator was fine with this. But I guess this is where the favors come in to play. The facilitators’ relative recently got a job in the CF school system. But this isn’t supposed to look funny to the taxpayer. After all, it is business as usual. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.
SL chair #1 headed up “reconfiguration; grade level based” SL chair #2 headed up “reconfiguration; neighborhood schools. CF chair headed up “reconfiguration; best practices”. All committees agreed that class sizes directly impacted student achievement- yet one SL chair asked the question “Do class sizes really drive excellence?” I wonder if she would have asked this if her kindergartner was in a class of 28? Besides the fact that she had already said that class sizes do affect achievement. The only research not included in the recommendations was research on best practices. If we aren’t doing this reconfiguration based on best practices why are we wasting our time? There are two things I know for sure about grade level based configuration. #1, it’s the most cost effective way to even out all class room disparities and inequalities. #2, it’s the best way to achieve teacher curriculum collaboration. So when kids hit middle school, they don’t come from six different “backgrounds”. Strangely enough the only cost benefits or achievement benefits mentioned were ones that favored keeping things the same. Did I mention that none of the CF chair best practices made the recommendation list?

A disturbing incident happened when the various tables were told to discuss what would make it to the recommendation list. Four board members were present including myself. Two of us sat back with the audience and kept our respective mouths shut. Two of us participated in the discussions. One of those board members wasn’t even a member of the committee. The board will be expected to vote on these recommendations. I have to ponder if it will be difficult to vote on your own recommendations? And strangely enough it's the same board members that don't want a question about reconfiguration on the community survey. Even I'm smart enough to know that neighborhood schools would overwhelmingly win in a community "vote".

The one point made that I can possibly agree with is that no particular configuration drives achievement. Good! Then we can focus on which configuration is the most cost effective. Because isn’t that what project recovery and the plan for excellence was supposed to be? A way to responsibly spend tax dollars and achieve greatness amongst all students? One of the “Plan for Excellence” district beliefs is “All students can learn” LOL! Let me know when that happens. We’re too busy trying to find new and improved ways to keep things the same. How much do you want to bet me that the push will be to redraw the elementary school boundaries? I’ll bet you a bagel and a cup of coffee. I’ll warn you though. I drink $3.50 cappuccinos. This is a desperate attempt to keep a cash cow open. I guess people would rather continue spending $2000 per pupil extra of our own money on open enrollers. (68% of kindergarten at SL is open enrolled) to justify this neighborhood school. Meanwhile break out your check books for the pay to play fees. And school fees, which by the way I still cannot get a straight answer as to what “school fees” are actually used for. I mean I pay for the gym clothes, I pay for the weekly readers, I pay for the assignment books, I pay for workbooks. So what are the fees for? C’mon all you administrators have my Email address in the handbook. Somebody please give me a valid, non BS answer. Oh and if anybody wants to take me up on that bet, let me know soon. We just got the property tax bill so Tarzan said I can’t go to the coffee shop for a while. Something about us not getting a levy increase when our expenses rise. Must cut back. Look for ways to save. I miss that cup of coffee.


Kellie Patterson said...

With all due respect, believe me, Molly and I both have seen the facts and figures. Time and time again. And while you compare 5th grade, I'd suggest you compare kindergarten. The disparities become blatantly apparent there. I only see one way to even out class size, socio-economic, special ed inclusion and bussing disparities. That would be grade level confuguration. But if we are really looking at this from the standpoint of what is truly the best configuration based on student achievement, then I must wonder why K-8 was never mentioned. After all, this configuration is proven to out perform all other configurations. Let's have that cup of coffee.
I have researched and compiled a ton of information that I plan to bring to Wednesday's meeting. It is in no way what I expect to go out to the public but I think it is a good starting point. I have included reconfiguration in my work but if we are not going to actually reconfigure, as the mood seems to be at the board offices, I have to wonder if it will be a waste of space on the survey. Please be sure to come Wednesday and see what happens!
Like I said to Don, the comparison is for one grade level in our district. The disparities become more obvious when you compare them across the board. While 2 students isn't that much of a difference, 12-15 per class is. Especially if your kid is in one of those 28 children classes. And now that we know ISGI's don't have an impact on achievement, but smaller class sizes do, any suggestions on how to educate equitably and alleviate overcrowding in four of our elementary schools?
To everyone else:
To continue to ignore the problems here is like enabling a drug addict. Instead of saying there is a problem, we continue to feed it with money, excuses, and false promises. The taxpayers were promised two years ago in the "Pledge to the Community" that if we passed another levy a reconfiguration would take place that would address the issues raised by last minute school closings. I plan to hold this district to that promise.

all hail eddie said...

"Don't drink the Holland Kool-Aid." That is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time. The problem is that it is funny b/c it is TRUE.

falls citizen said...

Well Kellie you have managed to cover all the spending that isn't in the best interest of the children except you and school boards spending. Was it not you that wanted and got a increase of $5000.oo to spend on going to conferences??? And as for the federal mediators, they were free to come, but how much did each board member get per session to try to get along??? $85.00??? X how many meetings???
This levy will be an evaulation of the school board, and I for one know where I stand. This board is so busy not getting along that they can't get anything done either.
As far as the union goes, they have their place also. Without the strength of the union, people like you would not want to pay the teachers anything at all, and we could not hire the best teachers, only whats left after other school districts who pay more get through. As for the insurance, alot of businesses offer a payback for not taking the insurance. It saves them money, they put out more by paying the insurance. DUH!!!!
Why is everone looking for someone to blame for the problems that have existed long before our children even started school. These problems didn't happen overnight and can't be resolved overnight. And the way this school board is going none will be solved in this go around.
You can vote down the renewal all you want, and the school district will go into fiscal watch and maybe even worse, then you will have something to complain about. This is a RENEWAL not a new levy.
Taxes go up, gas goes up, food prices go up, are you at the gas station yelling and screaming or in front of Acme pitching your complaints???? I have yet to see you there.
If you don't like the taxes here, sell your house and move to somewhere where they may be higher.
We have schools we can be proud of in this district and teachers who care. These are our children, our future, if I have to cut corners, it will not be our children. I'll do without a cup of coffee or drink a cheaper cup, because someday when we are old, these children will be deciding the future and we want it to be a good one.
As for the Silver Lake issue, there is open enrollment and anyone can take their child from CF to a silver lake school if they want them in smaller classes. So do that if you want and quit complaining.
No one is ever satisified and not everyone will be. You deal with things as they come.
As for your household not getting an increase compared to the cost of living, maybe if you want that cup of coffee, a job would give you that extra money. Obviously things haven't gotten bad enough that you need to work like most of us do to have the things we want. You have a lot more time to research things and spend the taxpayers money on conferences. I understand the last one you went to, you spent 12 days. I'm glad my tax dollars went to you going there for 12 days..... Maybe you could fund me to go to a conference for 12 days..... Oh, thats right, you propossed an increase in spending for the school board right?????
So much for my 2cents, I'll pay the 2 cents and go to work to earn my coffee money. Try it sometime, it will keep you busy and out of trouble....

Kellie Patterson said...

Falls Citizen,
See what happens when you don't do your homework? You get all kinds of things wrong. First let's start with conferences. I went to a total of 11 days of conferences throughout the year. Other board members went as well. In fact there were only 2 conference days that I attended by myself. Would you rather have board members that are ignorant to the changes in the law and administration rules? As for the mediator, it was 1 meeting at $80.00 each that we were paid for. It does count toward the limit of 30 that we are paid for. I assure you that none of us are making a killing being a board member! And if you really want to go to a 12 day conference I'd suggest you run for the Mayor of Akron. I hear he pulls off trips like that but as for me, I don't think I could leave my kids for that long no matter how hard I tried!
And yes you are correct about one thing, I am the one that asked for a 5K increase to the board fund. It works like this: You can have 20K in your board fund or $2 per pupil. Most boards take the 20K max. But as we found out the hard way, our previous boards weren't paying attention and staying informed. They were letting the administrators take the seminars and run the show and then whoops- we have a deficit and schools must close and people must lose their jobs. I have always been informed and I plan to stay informed. Sorry if you find that somehow wrong.
As for health insurance, most companies DO NOT offer insurance buy back incentives. In fact most companies pay 50% or less of the premium. And more and more are offering nothing at all or offering health savings plans. In fact, I couldn't find one other company or person who has this option. Please fill me in if you know of one. (Besides a governmental agency).
Now let me explain something about my job or lack thereof. I waited until I was almost 28 years old to have kids. I worked my tush off before that so we could live the way we live now. So it's not up to you or a levy whether I work. Look around, in case you haven't noticed people are leaving CF in droves. Every street is 50% rentals and climbing. Houses go up for sale and stay on the market for a year or more. People are leaving here for places they can afford to have that cup of coffee and not work. I also take offense to the comments made about my situation anyway. You do not know me and have no clue as to how much I work- or don't.
I don't stand in front of Acme and complain about prices because they are a private enterprise NOT supporting itself off my tax dollar. DUH! Besides, I can to go to Marcs where food is cheap. Or get double coupons at Giant Eagle. And I can usually get my money back from them if I'm not completely satisfied.
I know these are our children. Believe me, I skip a lot of things so that they can have the most out of me AND my pocketbook. ONE coach earned more in "supplemental" pay than the board used the entire year. Does that put it into perspective?
As for open enrolling at SL, why should I be inconvenienced any more than I already am? SL doesn't keep up with the icy roads like the Falls does.
Glad to see you're back.
Thanks for clarifying. I only wish someone would have listened on the PFE. But, as in the lyrics of Led Zeppelin- The Song Remains the Same.

Dennis Doverspike said...

I am not sure I understand the cost of the survey or taxpayer's post. How many households are there in the Cuyahoga Falls School district? As for the cost, does it include mailing? The mailing cost alone would seem to be over $10,000. A survey of 8,000 households for $10,000 is pretty cheap, almost hard to see how someone could do it that cheap.