Thursday, August 16, 2007

Permission to Blog Freely, Sir?

I don’t usually rehash things but a comment was made on my last blog stating that “it’s a crying shame you’re allowed to have this blog”. Strange considering it came from someone who blogs, none the less the comment was made. So tonight I went to his blog and checked it out. Seems a lot is going on regarding his comment and subsequent comments. I would like to clarify a few comments made about me. First on censorship. There has only been one comment I have ever censored/deleted from my blog and it was the “God hates fags” web link. I refuse to allow something that hateful and wrong to be posted here. Other than that, this blog has had free reign.
Next on my reasons for this blog. People have made a lot of assumptions about me without bothering to click on the Email link and ask me themselves. My reasons for this blog were talked about in the beginning and I am not going to post a refresher course for newbies. Suffice it to say I am secure in my reasoning for this blog. I guess I am to assume that being professional means I should not have an opinion, and if I do have an opinion I should not voice it. I had opinions when I ran for this office. I voiced them during my campaign and I was elected by a majority of votes. So I can only assume that a lot of people liked what I had to say. I wish all board members, city council members, state and federal reps would blog. It would make deciding whom to vote for a heck of a lot easier. Instead of little post card sound bites at election time, you might actually get to know your representatives if they blogged.

What a novel idea! Let people know how you think so they can make an informed decision. Keep people up to date on what their elected officials are going to be voting on. Let people know what is being discussed at meetings. Since another blogger mentioned the gas wells at Bolich and Newberry, I’ll use that as my example. I never claimed I could or did single handedly prevent the gas wells from going in. I have told people from day one that I can't change anthing alone. It is hearing the voice of many, from the public- that's you voters and taxpayers- that can change the minds of administrators and board members. But- I do credit this blog for informing people and getting them involved before a vote was taken. I can assure you that most in the administration and board was in favor of the gas wells before the public forum was held. But thanks to an informed public making an excellent presentation of how much they loved their neighborhood and felt the small dividends were not worth the dangers and looks of ugly wells, the project was dropped. Back in 20 B.B. (Before Blogs) these types of actions were reported on after the fact. Usually as a shocking headline that would have went something like this:

Neighbors outraged that $1000 per month was worth more than the safety of their children and neighborhood.

The position I hold on the school board did not suddenly put me above others, nor change my views on the changes that need made in education. They are views that I had and expressed before, during and after being elected. I am “allowed to have this blog” because I live in the greatest country in the world. Your biggest fear should be to ever have to live in a society that doesn’t allow these types of liberty’s and freedoms. John J. Chapman said it best: “Attack another’s rights and you destroy your own”. In the communistic view suggested, if I weren’t “allowed to have this blog”, 50% of you wouldn’t be allowed to vote, another 12% of you wouldn’t be allowed to own property or vote, and most of us would be in prison for searching and receiving information over the internet. You don’t have to like this blog, but you do have to like the fact that we’re all allowed to have opinions and voice them if we so choose. I am grateful to those before me who understood how important our freedoms are and were willing to give their life so that we may enjoy them today. It’s that attitude that allows me to have this blog.


tigerbandrocks said...


System Modification said...

I suppose I wasn't 100% clear about my feelings towards your blog. I have no problem with the blog itself. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion and have every right to express yourself. The line becomes blurred when you post under the pretense of informing people about the goings on at the Cuyahoga Falls board meetings. I am of the firm belief that people should attend their district's board meetings to educate themselves about what is happening in the district. It always strikes me as funny to hear people complain about their taxes and levies and yet they don't attend a single board meeting (or they only attend the meetings right before a levy to voice their displeasure). I am not sure that the average person has a true understanding of what it takes to run a district the size of Cuyahoga Falls. If one truly wants to affect change, then one should attend every meeting and listen to all the information and hear all opinions from all the board members. When the citizenry looks to one person's blog for all of their information, something gets lost in the translation. No one issue is one sided. A person may choose one side or another, but to do this properly, all information needs to be examined. Often, blogs end up being a haven for rumors and partial truths (not necessarily from the writer of the blog, but from the people that comment). With all this being said, I think that it is healthy for people to discuss issues. In fact, as time goes on, we as Americans are becoming further removed from the whole political process. There are many reasons for this, one being that the control of media (print, television, and radio) are in the hands of a very few. We are being talked "at." There is no effective way of engaging in a real dialogue with policy makers. Now I am going to write something that may, on the surface, sound contradictory to my statements about this blog. I think that people should hold forums (such as blogs) to discuss issues pertinent to them especially in the realm of politics. However, I don't think that this forum should be led by the person (people) that have been elected. When I read your blog, I am reminded of an old Saturday Night Live Skit that featured Mike Myers called "Coffee Talk." I think he played a character named "Linda" and she would always say something to the effect of "talk amongst yourselves, I'll give you a topic...." That is what I feel is happening here. Let the people choose the topic and then if you are so inclined, respond to them but don't have the focus be on you and your stand. I am sure that if people take the time to attend the meetings, your stand would be quite clear and they would have the extra bonus of hearing what others think. However, attending these meetings would take more effort then most of the people that comment on this blog are willing to expel. It would actually mean getting off their rear-ends and doing something instead of following someone else blindly because he/she has said that he/she will be able to save the people money.

Kellie Patterson said...

System: I like how you assume people are "sitting on their butts". I'm sure you have personal knowledge of each resident here and the many other activities that they may be involved in on Wednesday evenings. I on th eother hand DO understand that people voted for me because they liked what i had to say and I promised I would do whatever I could to keep them informed. EVERY other member of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Education has the ability to start a blog and give the people who live here insight into their feelings on issues and reasons they vote the way they do. Only they know the reasons they don't want to. MY feelings are they don't want th epeople to know what they are up to. I have nothing to hide and I'm ashamed of nothing I do. If you don't want to know, why do you keep coming back?

Anonymous said...

I feel there is no pretense about what Kellie is doing at all. She received the majority of votes during the 05 election because of her opinions. Why would those voters not want to continue to hear her views? It would be very difficult under the controlled conditions of a board meeting for a board member to say all that they had to say in my opinion.

The statement that the average person may not have a true understanding of what it takes to run a school district has some merit. I feel it is by design. Our record of informing the public on the how's and why's of things has been poor to say the least. Hence waking up one morning to read the the BJ headline about schools closing. Had there been a board member in communication with the public as this blog has been things may have been different.
Just I had stated on my blog and Kellie reiterated here. The information was given about the oil wells and the public made the decision. I also believe without this same platform the start times for the schools would have been rammed through without further consideration for the public. Is the community filled with accountants who can read the budget and decipher every line? Of course not, it's not needed in a open and honest environment. I believe a community will fund a school system without hesitation if they are shown where the money is being spent and why it is needed in a open and honest way.

I do agree that we need more input and participation from the public. Without it any change in the way things are done will come slow and perhaps to late to turn things around.

taxpayer said...

I read that the CF Schools failed to meet the AYP for the 4th year in a row. What will this mean for our district?

??? said...

It means that we (you and me) just rewareded our teachers for not doing their jobs by way of a new contract with a raise. Isn't it great to have a job where you get rewarded for NOT meeting your job requirements. Now I'm not saying all teachers failed to do thier duty, but come on, it is more than just 1 or 2 classes of special ed students that are keeping us from ayp. Don't pin this on the kids. It is lack of teacher performance.

taxpayer said...

I didn't get to vote on the union contract, did you? Only our BOE gets to vote on that!

Sandra said...


lay off the teachers would you, I think you need to be in a classroom and see what it is really like!

And as far as the raises go the BOE gives raises (AND PERKS) to the higher ups who do not have to meet criteria for a raise! besides I am SURE you have gotten raises when you didn't perform up to snuff.

The higher ups need to work more closely with the teachers and staff to meet these goals, don't pin it all on teachers.

taxpayer said...

Sandra: I don't see anywhere where ???? said to lay off teachers. The problem is a complex one and it involves not only teachers, but administrative staff as well. I think the point ???? is trying to make is that raises should be tied to job performance and I would agree, at all levels. Currently everybody gets the same raise without regard to job performance. How fair is that?

??? said...

Enlighten us Sandra. What is a day of teaching like over there at Silver Lake Elementary School? I'd guess it is a piece of cake. Especially when you get raises wether you do your job or not. How difficult could it be to teach to a group of 15 or 16 kids? When a wrench is thrown in your work cycle, you can threaten to walk off the job and strike. I don't recall seeing our superintendent out there in a bright solidarity t-shirt whining for a raise.

slimy_politics said...

He didn't have to whine. Dunphy just up and gave him one for no reason. Then he started sending out resumes to squeeze the board for more.

I'll bet we see him getting another raise now that the contracts are settled. Probably won't need to whine for this one either.

fallsbigdaddy said...

Sandra, what are the teachers accountable for? For Christ sake I am tired of hearing how hard their job is! Work sucks for a lot of people! I support teachers but knock off the pity party.

System Modification said...

Just as an FYI, AYP stands for adequate yearly progress. I can't speak for Cuyahoga Falls specifically, however I would like to respond to ???. AYP is divided into subgroups, one being the special ed. population of a specific district, one being the ESL (English as a Second Language) population of a district and the general ed population of a district. There may be further subgroups within the general ed population but I don't know for sure. Adequate Yearly Progress is based on how far an individual or in this case a group is expected to grow in a year. Different populations have different criteria to measure this growth. In the special ed. population it can also be based upon alternative assessments depending on the type and/or severity of the disability. It is quite possible for a district to meet AYP for the general ed students and one of the other two subsets. That being said, Cuyahoga Falls may not have met AYP among its special ed. population and/or ESL population. It is not necessarily a matter of teachers "whining about their jobs and how hard it is to be a teacher," depending on the disability, AYP can be almost impossible to meet. In Stow, last year (not this year...they made an Excellent rating this year), they hit all but, I believe, one State standard which would have made them an Excellent district, however they did not meet AYP in two subsets (last year) so therefore they were automatically "downgraded" to Continuous Improvement (not just one drop down the ladder but two even though they did better than almost all the schools in Ohio). So long story short, Yes ??? it can come down to quite simply a subgroup of the entire district's population. By the way does ??? mean you don't have a clue? Just curious.

??? said...

The ??? name refers back to a post on the previous topic where I had a question regarding the new rendition of our tiger mascot. So to answer your question. Yes. It is because I don't have a clue as to why they ever changed it. Smart ass.

taxpayer said...

Okay, so now back to my original question: What will not meeting the AYP, mean for OUR district?

Sandra said...

I am NOT having a pity party. I am sick and tired of EVERYTHING wrong in the schools is a teacher's fault! If one of you would be brave enough to ask for a copy of the contract Dr. H received, I am sure you would be appalled at the perks that are in his and every other administrators contract. why do they get perks>?
I was NOT saying to lay off teachers, I was asking ???? to leave them alone. I know it takes work between the board and staff to make it all work, but the board and higher ups dont seem to listen!
And a question for all of you- when has life ever been fair?? a cost of living raise each year at 3% is really not much to brag about.
And by the way, the teacher's have to follow the teaching guidelines of the state, school board and
Dr. H. They have to be accountable for what they are doing. It is the school board who adopts the program and says how it will be taught.
??? I do not teach at Silver Lake, and ofcourse Dr. H wouldnt be out on the line asking for a raise, he only has to whine he is looking somewhere else, and poof your wonderful blogging school board friends give him one! as I said before, his contract is a matter of public record, and you can ask for a copy of it anytime you wish. Take a good look at all his perks, especially if you think he isnt paid enough.

Anonymous said...

Sandra, I know it is implied but just to clarify for myself, are you a teacher? I don't want to know where, I just have some questions.

Kellie Patterson said...

The raise for the CEO was NOT a 5-0 vote. Neither was the new contract. Check your facts before blaming all that's wrong on "your blogging school board" and higher ups in the administration. The board should be giving the administration direction and with it's current majority, it allows the administration to direct themselves. Not what the voters expected I'm sure. Maybe people will pay attention to the candidates this November and vote for a change in the way things are done.

Sandra said...

oops my bad, I forgot sh@@ rolls downhill so ofcourse we blame everyone else! If the blame game would STOP, maybe we could work together, but some people need try business courses from Smucker's and learn how to work with people and not against them!!