Friday, April 07, 2006

Thank you sir, may I have another?

Please excuse me for not posting earlier but I was in an executive session until 10:50 PM. I am weary and sad. Not from being out so late but from the intentions of people who think this blog has no purpose. People are more informed now than ever before.
It appears this blog has served it’s purpose. We have more attendance at board meetings than ever before. Several comments were made regarding web activities. Before starting this blog I gave it much thought. I came to the conclusion that it is the only way I can garner input from my constituents in a manner that is fair and timely. People with serious concerns and suggestions E-mail me. People who want to insult me post. Getting people involved and talking is what this was all about. A teacher said "if the public can’t drag their butt in here (the board room) to have their say, too bad" Funny I didn’t hear that attitude when the district was asking for a levy last November. I was also invited to tour Schnee. What the lady didn’t realize is that a tour of the buildings was requested in January. Still waiting. A teacher also said that if board members had questions for staff we should come to the buildings and talk to them. The board was instructed by the CEO that any and all correspondence was to go through the CEO or CFO. We were also informed that our CEO is too busy to report to us every little issue in the district. Yet I am expected to approve most little issues. I can vote how I feel about it or I can try to represent the people. Which would you prefer?
I have had several people thank me for trying to postpone the bus garage purchase. Contrary to a statement made at the board meeting, the city is not interested in buying the districts current warehouse/bus building or land. I was told their money is tied up for quite a while in other projects. And our audit recommends the reduction of two busses and assumes we have 18 active.
Stay tuned for more......

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