Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Who are you? WhoWho.. WhoWho?

I finally feel I can let you in on what your board has been up to. I wanted to give my fellow board members a heads up first. While you thought the board was spending spring break looking for ways to save you money and better educate our children, some were actually preparing a document of which I'm still unsure what to call. Let's call it the Scolding of Kellie. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document according to some of my fellow board members. So to show my fellow board members the respect they deserve, I will only post my reply to them here for now. I have given the board president 1 weeks time to provide clarification as to why his letter to me is to be kept confidential. The way I read the law, considering the Scolding of Kellie document concerns moi, it is only confidential if I deem it to be so. But after reading my reply I think you will have a pretty clear understanding of the intentions of some of my fellow board members. I say some because not everyone signed the Scolding of Kellie. I was not the only person ambushed with this. I will say this once again. This blog serves a purpose whether my detractors see it or not. So much misinformation is spread around it's no wonder people throw their hands in the air and turn their backs. This blog will stay up until someone figures out a way to UN-elect me. Why are so many people afraid of my views and opinions of the school district happenings?

My Attorney's Response

My Personal Response

EDIT: The links are getting a lot of downloads right now. Yahoo has an hourly transfer limit so please try back at the top of the hour. I will work on finding a better place to upload these documents so they can be seen without limits.

EDIT: Links should be working now. Let me know if you have more problems.

1 comment:

beckym said...

The board members that are trying to stop this blog would do well to remember the lessons of 2005 and the danger of restricting the public's access to information and opinion about our schools. Most Americans hold the right to free speech very dear and won't react well to attempts to restrict it, even if they don't agree with the ideas being restricted.

Be very sure that the average Joe in Cuyahoga Falls will buy your reasons for denying a person's civil liberties or you, not Kellie Patterson, will be responsible for the ruin of our schools.